Chapter 9: A Trying Night

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A/N: FYI, you gals are really gonna hate Bella in this chapter, but Jake will take her to task in the next episode.

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Bella seemed to relax after our little discussion, and didn't balk when I put my arm around her waist, thank god. Then at dinner, the waitress slipped me her freakin' phone number, written on the back of a napkin. She probably thought she was bein' discreet, but Bella with the eyes of an eagle, noticed, and she gave the girl a look that could broil a slab of mah mahi. Jeez, I shrugged, hoping she wouldn't go off the deep end again.

"What? I can't help it, Bells. I'm just naturally irresistible, remember?" That joke didn't go over so well. An eye roll was her only response.

Kapono rose from his seat to break the ice formin' in the air. He clapped me on the back, and quipped, "You should carry a really beeeg stick, brah. Keep those flirty 'io's away."

Rebecca chuckled, and said, "Sit down, Al. Jake's a big boy, he can take care of himself."

I glanced at the two love birds at the table, but Leah and Embry were no help at all. They were busy communicatin' via telepathy if ya get my drift.

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Back at the house, we all stayed awhile and talked, well ... mostly listened if truth be told. I'm tellin' ya, Kapono could write a book. He did have us held prisoner in the palm of his hand tho', and he knew it. Even Bella was clampin' onto her sides from laughin'.

The time flew by, and I had to give Rebecca a hug goodbye. I knew there would be tears, and I had a hard time controlling my own, with such a huge lump in my throat.

While in the car, Bella must've felt my pain at leaving my sister, 'cuz she snuggled close to me. It made me feel whole lots better.

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Pulling the coverlet down, Leah parked herself on the bed, with her legs folded.

"So ... did ya have fun today?"

I nodded, "Yeah, I did."

"Good." She hesitated, then said, "Can I ask you a personal question?"

"Sure, I guess."

"Now, don't get all flustered, but the curiosity is killin' me. What did you ever see in that Cullen guy?"

"I don't really know. Maybe it was because I felt safe with him. He could protect me."

"C'mon ...didn't he have to protect you from himself. I heard you were what they call his singer. Didn't it creep you out? He could sparkle and shine in the sun, but look out—when night fell, he was in hunting mode, and showed his true nature."

"No, Lee ... it wasn't like that. He only hunted animals."

Leah, glared at me. "You're talking to a Quileute. Every elk and deer that family drained could feed one of our families. They just dropped the beasts after suckin' them dry, to rot on the forest floor."

She had a point. I never thought about that. It was as bad as the buffalo hunters, who took the hides and tongues, and left the rest of the meat to spoil.

"Oh ..."

"Yeah, oh. How 'bout that?

"Well, I just don't get it. Don't you think big, strong Jake can protect you? He's encased in a mass of muscle. It's like body armor. That's one bodacious bod. I mean, do you need glasses or what? And—he doesn't kill humans or animals, except to put food on the table. He's got a heart of gold, and he is good lookin'; just ask that waitress tonight."

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