New school

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Hey guys..this story may suck with the first couple of chapters but it gets better I promise. Just keep reading please and star if you like it! Thanks guy:)


My family just recently moved from Alaska to Phoenix Arizona where my grandparents live. We got this big house in a huge neighborhood. I loved everything about it except..the new school. We finished unpacking so I fell asleep.
(Next day)
Monday, April 15 , 2016
I woke up to the sound of my overly annoying alarm. My mom walked into my room and starting blabbing away at how nice my new school would be but I knew she was wrong. I got up and went in my closet to try and find a good first day outfit, I put on a red Nike sweatshirt and white shorts with black sneakers, then I did my makeup. Once I was ready I got my bag and headed out the door
"Bye mom!!" I said
"Bye honey, make some new friends!"
"Yeah like that's gonna happen" I whispered to myself and then headed out the door.
<arrived at school>
It was first hour and I was totally lost in math class because there was this guy named hunter that sat In front of me. I was totally amazed at how hot he was and I was kinda getting butterflies when he kept looking at me. My trance stopped when the teacher called on me to stand up at the front of the room and announce my name and where I came from,
"Ok.." I said
"So class this is our new student"
"Hi my names Kenzie and I recently moved here from Alaska"
Hunter smiled at me when my face got red and when I sat back down he smiled at me again. I went to my locker and pulled out my history stuff when I herd a voice from behind
" Hey Kenzie my names Hunter"
"Hi, nice to meet you" I turned around and all I could see were his beautiful Icy blue eyes that reminded me of an ocean.
"You ok? You look confused do you need help finding your classes? "
I nodded yes and then he helped me through out the day.
So when we got to school there was this beautiful new student who's name was Kenzie. I immediately had a crush on her from the moment she walked in the room. I was noticing her looking at me a lot so I started blushing. And then when she went to the front of the room to say her name I smiled because she just looked so cute the way she looked at the ground and mumbled. I noticed her having some trouble with her schedule so I finally got the guts to go talk to her. "Hey Kenzie my names Hunter"
"Hi, nice to meet you" she replied in the softest voice
I asked her if she needed help and I was hoping she would say yes because I really wanted to get closer to her. "Yeh that would be great thx!!!" By the end of the day we were very close and I had asked if she wanted to study with me at my house. "Sure what time?"
" after school when the last bell rings"
"Okay see you then!" She said
I was so excited that she said yes I almost exploded but I have to be cool or she won't like me.

Hunter Rowland's special girl Where stories live. Discover now