Chapter 8

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I ran to my room and slid down the door as I cried.

Did I just see my boyfriend cheating on me with his ex?

I cried even more at the thought of it. I shook my head and thought at how stupid I was to actually think he liked at me.

I screamed in furiousness. I cried and cried. I finally looked up and saw the time on the clock, 11:37.

I sat there eye wide. It's late! I need to go to sleep. I changed into my pajamas and laid down on my bed. This whole time Austin didn't call me, or Skyped me. But he's kissing his ex?! Really what a boyfriend he is... I mean was..


"Honey wake up! Your going to be late for school!" My mom shouted while shaking me awake.

"No! I'm sick!" I replied.

"No your not! Now hurry up before I make you get up." She said crossing her arms over her chest.

"Mom you don't understand. I don't want to go to school!" I shouted while sitting up.

"Why? What happened?!"

"I caught Austin cheating on me with his ex. And I just don't want to see him. Ok? I hate him! Please I don't want to see him. I need time to think and make my decision to break with him or not." I said softly to my mom. She nodded and left. I sighed and wiped away some tears that were rolling down my cheek.

My phone began ringing, I looked up and glared at it. I reached over it and grabbed it, I looked at the caller ID. It was Austin...

I shook my head and ignored the call, it began ringing again. And I ignored it. It began ringing after that, I still ignored. It ringed 3 more times until he gave up and texted me. I looked at at it and growled.

Babe. Call me! Your not answering the phone. I'm worried about you. I love you though :* ~A

I threw my phone across the room and it crashed onto the wall. I didn't even stand up to go check if it broke, I just laid down and tried to fall asleep. My eyes got heavy and then I fell into deep sleep.

I heard a knock on the door making me wake up. I sat up and felt a pain go through my head making me groan. I looked out the window and saw that it was already night time. My eyes went wide and the pain in my head got more painful and I bit my lip trying not to scream at the pain.

I placed my hand over my head and stood up. I opened the door and Jacob was standing there, scared.

"Jacob? You should be sleeping!" I said kneeling down to his level.

"I know sissy. But I had a horrible dream and I'm scared to be alone in my room." He said while walking in the room. He had his teddy bear in his hand while in the other he had his blanket. That he had since a baby, he would always sleep with it. Mom never threw it away because Jacob would always would stop her.

"Can I sleep with you?" He asked looking at me, his eyes were sparkling as the moonlight shined on them. I smiled and nodded. He smiled big and laid down on the bed.

I laid down next to him and he placed his blanket over him and wrapped his little arm around my waist. I chuckled and wrapped my arm around his waist also. We both fell asleep after that.


The chirps of the birds echoed through the woods as I kept walking down the path. I had gone out of the house and decided to take a walk alone, just to get my mind together. It had been 2 days since I caught Austin cheating on me.

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