Chapter 2 - 4

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Chapter Two - A Special Phone Call

Cheryl shocked herself about how she felt. Not once in her life had she been attracted to another woman , yes she had always wondered but that was different from actually fancing one.

She was sat with the card in her hand wondering if it was the best idea to phone the number on it.

' What the f*ck am I doing !'

After much thought she eventually plucked up the courage and dialed the number.

" Hello ?" The voice came in its low tones.

Immediately Cheryl knew she had reached the right person. Making a mental note she decided she would have to ask the girl where she was from at some point.

" Hey it's Cheryl Tweedy."

The line went quiet for a few seconds.

" Oh hello."

" You sound suprised." The brunette giggled.

" Well just a bit."

" It's the cakes ! I can't get enough."

" Haha ! , Don't tell me you have ate all them cakes in just two days."

" There doing a great job. As soon as the so called sex tape is released no one will notice me with my twenty stone weight gain."

Kimberley giggled on the other end of the phone , a smile immediately appearing on the face.

" Well am sure you would still be beautiful."

The smile faded and the older girl suddenly turned a deep shade of red. Even thought she knew the girl couldn't see her.

" Aww thanks pet."

" Wow I have never had a famous person call me before." The older woman giggled nervously, trying to change the suject.

"Am not that famous, its not that big a deal." Cheryl replied. She was annoyed at the fact she had missed her chance to pay Kimberley a compliment.

" Not that famous !" Kimberley half shouted.

" I can't go a day without either hearing one of your songs, reading about you in a magazine or newspaper or seeing you on the tele. Your everywhere !"

" Haha ! Point taken but still I wouldn't class myself as one of them massive celebritites. Like Brad Pitt or Paris Hilton."

" I think your wrong Cheryl." Kimberley answered back simply.

" Well thankyou."

" It's no problem. Anyways what can I do you for ?"

' Sh*t !' Thought Cheryl. She was so caught up in thinking if she should or should not call the girl she completely forgot of a reason why she was calling. Thinking fast she blurted out the first thing that came to her . . . . . 

" Well I was having a little party tomorrow, just me and a couple of friends and I was wondering if you would like to come over, maybe bring a few of your delicious cakes."

" Are you being serious ?"

" Well if you don't want to it's fine." Cheryl said while starting to panic.

" No no I never said that. I am just shocked but of course I will."

" That's brilliant !" The popstar smiled happily.

" What time do you want me ?"

" Haha !"

" Very funny I mean what time would you like me to come over and what's your address I will need to tom tom it."

" Tom tom it. Your so cute."

Kimberley laughed before blushing a little.

After giving the older girl all the details and telling her to bring a friend if she likes Cheryl eventually found the will power to hang up.

' Brilliant !' She thought to herself. Now all she had to do was call the girlies and try to tempt them with a boozy night in.

Chapter Three - The Candy Lady Goes Knock Knock Knock

" I can't believe we are going to a party . . . At Cheryl Tweedy's House . . no . . Mansion !" The red headed girl squeeled.

Although Kimberley loved Nicola dearly she was really starting to annoy her now. Ever since she had called and asked her to go with her she hadn't stopped going on about it. It was fair to say she was excited not because it was Cheryl Tweedy but because she knew the house would be massive and she was going to meet someone famous. 

" Do you think she would let me look through her wardrobe ?"

" I swear to god if you ask her anything weird I am leaving !" Kimberley said while making it obvious she was being deadly serious.

" F*ck Kim it's not as if I am asking . . Hey Cheryl do you mind if I go up and look through your underwear drawer ?" Nicola shot back very sarcasticlly.

" Yeh well ano what your like." The older girl giggled before rolling her eyes.


" Chezza get the drink's in !" Sarah grinned while slapping her bum sharply.

" Oi Cheeky."

It wasn't hard to get Sarah and Nadine over as they both liked to party but trying to explain to them how she had met Kimberley proved hard. Although after only a sniff of drink they forgot all about it and where in full party mode. Neither of them were particularly famous themselves. Sarah was Cheryl's hairstylist and Nadine was an up and coming artist who has supported Cheryl on one of her tours. They had all become firm friends.

" So when's this Kimberley coming over ?" Nadine asked.

" Should be here soon." Cheryl answered back before disappearing into the kitchen.

Busying herself Cheryl made the girls some drinks and took them back through to the living room. Just as she was about to sit down with hers the buzzer for the front iron gates sounded. Getting up she made her way over to the door so she could buzz them in.

" Hello ?" The popstar said knowing it was Kimberley already as she could see her on the small screen which was build in.

" Hey Cheryl it's Kimberley."

" Ok babe. I will buzz you in."

" Ok thanks."

After pressing the button Cheryl got to work smoothing down her dress and checking herself in the mirror. She honestly didn't know why she was trying so hard , she was certain Kimberley didn't like her in that way.

Eventually there was a knock at the door and Cheryl struggled to keep her nerves at bay. Taking a deep breath she calmed herself before grabbing the knob, twisting it and pulling the door open.

And there she was. Standing with a tight fitting deep purple dress which showed off just the right amount of clevage and leg, a short leather biker jacket which gave her an edgy look and a killer pair of heels. She looked very rock chick.

' Wow I didn't think she had such good fashion sense.' Cheryl thought to herself. The last time she saw her she was dressed in a simple orange t-shirt and plain black trousers.

Her hair was hanging loosely over her shoulders and her make-up was done to perfection.

" You look amazing babe." Cheryl stated before smiling shyly.

" Thanks. You look amazing too."

Kimberley's eyes shot down the length of Cheryl's body. She aswell was wearing a tight figure hugging dress, her chestnut coloured hair flowing over her shoulders.

" This is Nicola." The older girl announced after eyeing a very stunning looking Cheryl up.

" Hello." The ginger girl smiled while raising her hand out.

" Hey. . . Cheryl" The popstar smiled back before taking her hand and shaking it.

" Ano who you are." Nicola giggled.

" I like to be polite." She laughed back.

" Come on in."

Stepping to the side Cheryl opened the door wider so the girls could enter. 

" Wow !"

" Your house is amazing !" The ginger girl smiled while looking about.

" Thanks."

" Kim remind me to get Cheryl's autograph for me little brothers."

" Nicola !" The older girl spat while drawing her daggers.

" Haha ! I will happily do that for you babe." Cheryl butted in.

" Aww thanks. There like in love with you." She giggled back.

" Come through and meet the girls."

Guiding them through the long hallway they came to a large open planned room.

" Girls this is Kimberley and Nicola." She said before smiling between them.

" Oh my god ! Your Nadine Coyle. I love you music." The ginger girl gasped in astonishment.

To say that Nadine was suprised was an understatment.

" You know my music ?"

" Yeah your amazing. A saw you on youtube one time and that was it I fell in love with your songs."

After there little meeting the night started to flow good. Sarah had openly welcomed Kimberley and Nicola before shoving drinks in both there hands. As for Nadine she had hit it off big time with Nicola. They had sat most of the night and chatted about Nadines music and her plans for the future.

" Hey babe you ok ?" Cheryl asked while sitting down beside Kimberley on the massive cornor sofa.

" Yeah am fine." Kimberley slurred a little as she was a bit drunk, as was everyone else at the mini party.

" So where's the cupcakes ?"

" Sh*t I forgot about them. There in the car. Do you want me to go and get them for you ?"

" Let's go and get them together."

Kimberley's couldn't help but notice her heart rate speeding up. Cheryl had looked stunning tonight and the only thing that had stopped her from jumping on the girl was the presence of the other ladies. Having never been with a girl or thought about one in that way it kind of scared her. 

" Ok."

Getting up Cheryl pulled on the older womans hand a helped her up.

" We are just going to get the cakes."

" Ok." They all replied back in unison.

Giggling Cheryl lead Kimberley back down the hall but stopped just infront of the door. Turning to face Kimberley she met the girls stare before taking her other hand within her own.

" Have I told you how beautiful you are ?"

Kimberley blushed before breaking eye contact and redirecting her gaze to the floor.

Never in a million years would Cheryl have said that stone cold sober, well at least not in the way she ment it. She didn't just think the girl was good looking she was physically attracted to her.

" Look at me . . . . . please ?" The younger girl pleaded while squeezing Kimberley's hands.

In truth she was starting to worry. She had been sure she caught Kimberley checking her out a few time during the night and all the touching they had been doing only added to her speculation that Kimberley actually, maybe did like her aswell.

Looking back up Kimberley noticed the dread slowing creeping into Cheryl's eyes. Deciding that actions spoke louder than words she moved closer and placed a very gentle kiss on the girls lips.

" Wow." Cheryl sighed as there lips parted.

" Come on you let's get these cakes." Kimberley smiled shyly.

Taking the younger girls hand she lead her out to the car, pulling her closer as they went.

Chapter Four - A Special Place

After collecting the cakes they where making there way back to the house when Cheryl pulled Kimberley in the opposite direction.

" Where are we going ?" The older girl giggled.

" To my special little place."

Guiding her round the side of the house and into the vast amount of gardens Cheryl held onto her hand tightly. They walked down a path that was at the side of the well kept grass until the younger girl stopped and pulled her into an area shaded with tree's.

" Cheryl it's dark."

" It's ok don't worry. Just wait and see."

Knowing Kimberley was a little scared of her surroundings Cheryl started to walk faster. Finally they reached there destanation, a stunning lake lay before them, the moon shining down and bouncing of the water causing the whole area to light up. To the side of the lake was a bench. Saying the land was amazing was an understatment. Never in Kimberley's life had she saw such a beautiful sight. 

" Come on." 

Wrapping her arms around the girls waist Cheryl guided her over to the bench and sat them both down.

" Wow this is beautiful." Kimberley smiled before resting her head on the popstars shoulder.

" Yeah well I was saving it for a beautiful person." Cheryl replied while pulling Kimberley even closer to her.

" What you mean you have never showed anyone this ?"

" No this has always been my little place. Whenever I feel sad or whenever I feel like relaxing and clearing my head I always come here."

" So why show it to me ?"

" Because I want to start coming here for a different reason, I want to start coming here to just enjoy it, not to just cheer me up when I am feeing down, I want to be able to share it with someone."

Lifting her head and bringing it level with Cheryl's, Kimberley smiled.

" I am not making much sense am I ?" The popstar asked.

" You are making perfect sense." Kimberley replied while tucking a loose strand of hair behind the geordies ear.

Smiling at the gesture Cheryl lifted her own hand a placed it over Kimberley's that by now was rested on her cheek rubbing it lovingly.
As the moon shawn on the two girl's they both moved there faces closer to one anothers. There lips connected in a soft kiss. Parting both girl's smiled before leaning in again for another. This time the kiss was more passionate. They both parted there lips and let there tongues dance in a slow and sensual rhythm. While still kissing Cheryl managed to move herself so she was sat on Kimberley's lap, one hand was placed on the back of her neck stroking it gently and the other was intertwined with Kimberley and resting between there hearts. Pulling away reluctantly Cheryl kissed Kimberley's nose gently before giving her a few short pecks on the lips. Overwhelmed the geordie smiled then pulled the older girl close, resting her head onto her shoulder and kissing her neck softly.

It was a long time before either of them spoke as no words seemed decent enough to voice after what they had just shared. Instead they decided to simply hold each other.

" Your amazing Cheryl." Kimberley said eventually breaking the pieceful silence.

" No your amazing." The geordie smiled while kissng her neck once more.

" I think we should be getting back now. The rest of the girls will be wondering where we have got to." 

" Yeah your probs right." Cheryl sighed while moving heself off of the other girl.

" I wish I had my phone though." She continued while helping Kimberley up.

" Why ?"

" Because I keep the directions back to the house on there."

" What are you serious !?"

Not being able to keep a staright face Cheryl burst out laughing.

" Am kidden babe."

" Not funny." The older girl pouted.

" Sorry babe." The geordie winked while kissing her lips gently.

" I will forgive you if you give me another kiss."

Laughing Cheryl kissed her again this time letting it linger.

" Am I forgiving ?"

" I suppose so." Kimberley replied before smiling sweetly.

" Ok let's get back."

Placing her hand on the small of Kimberley back she started to guide her back to the house.

" Cheryl ?" Asked Kimberley While they were nearling the house.

" Yes ?"

" How can you store directions on your phone." She giggled.

" Haha ! A don't actually know. Maybe you could write them in a message then save it."

" Your so clever." Kimberley smiled then kissed her on the cheek.

" Cheryl ?" She asked once more.

" Yes ?" The geordie giggled.

" Have you got the cakes ?"

" No I thought you had them."

" How could you not notice that I wasn't holding a bright pink box ?"

" Well you are the one that asked if I had them."

Confused Kimberley finally caught on to what Cheryl was meaning.

" Aww yeh." She laughed.

" Your so silly." The geordie smiled before kissing Kimberley on the cheek.

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