(32) Gone

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So I'm in a very boring place right now. -_-

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"You mean... my grandfather's new doctor may be the traitor?!" I gasped out loud.

Oh hell no.

"Fey, call Shay and tell her about this. Tell her to watch the Lion like a hawk." Adam told her as he grabbed his gun. "Let's finish this shit."

I nodded as I pull off the emergemcy knife on my boot. "Let's go-"

"Where do you think you're going?" Adam asked.

I raised an eye brow, "Huh? I thought we're going to be finishing this shit. What are you doing stopping me right now?"

Felipe pushed Fey gently beside me and said, "Adam and I are the ones checking the house. You and her will be staying here."

I snorted, "Yeah right-"

Adam called out. "Rule number 1, Emily."

Rule #1 -> Stop being annoying.

I scoffed, "Rule number 3, Adam."

Rule #3 -> Do not cut off someone while talking.

He rolled his eyes, "Fair enough." Then his serious demeanour went back, "Rule number 5 will be 'follow the plan given by the leader'."

So we're playing that game?

"Who said you're the leader?" I snorted. "Plus, remember rule number 2?"

Rule #2 -> Listen to each other's opinion.

He rolled his eyes, "I'm listening, aren't I?"

That bastard. I pursed my lips, "Fine, rule number 6 will be 'objecting rule #5 is aloud.'

His eyes widened angrily, "Then rule number 7 would be-"

"Guys, stop it." Fey went in between us and pushed Adam away, "You guys, do your job already."

We watch as they went inside the house with guns on their hands.

What the heck, Fey?!

This is unfair! This really is unfair! Why do they get all the action!?

"Look, this is not the time for fun and games, Em." Fey muttered silently, "I'll contact the HQ and talk to my mom. You, stay there."

She opened Adam's door and urged me to get in. Sighing, I went inside and crossed my arms.

"Now, be a good girl and don't do anything stupid" She stepped away from the car, but stepped back to where she was, "Actually, don't do anything. At all."

What am I? 3?

But noticing her tired and exhausted eyes, I soghed and simply nodded. She sighed in relief and closed the door then eventually made the phone call.

So.... what to do?

I started singing David Archuleta's Touch My Hand.

"Saw you from the distance." I pat my lap to the imaginary beat. "Saw you from the stage." I did some voicing on my own and continued, "Something 'bout the look in your eyes -something 'bout your beautiful face." I closed my eyes and started singing with feelings; Technically speaking, this means that my voice sounds like an angelic cat that is dying again. "In the sea of peopleeeeeeee, there was only you; I never knew what the song was aboooout then suddenly now I doooo..." I clapped my hands and shake my hips, "Tryin' to reach out to you touch my hand; reach out as far as you can. Only me, only you and the band, tryin' to reach out to you touch my hand. Can't let this music stop; can't let this feeling end. Cause if I do it'll all be ooooover -I'll never see you agin, I'll never see you again-"

I stopped singing when there was a loud bang.

Facing outside the car, I gasped when I saw Fey dodging bullets... and the house on fire.

"ADAM!" I screamed as I hurriedly tried to open the door where Fey is now, but stopped when I realized that it would be suicidal!

The door on my other side was slammed opened and I screamed again, "HOLY SHIT!"

"You!" I gasped, "Where's Adam?!"


"What are you doing here?" I asked.

For the first time, his once caring demeanour was not showing at all; it was only replaced by his sinisteric smirk. "You're coming with me."

He covered my mouth and nose with his hankerchief and I didn't dare to breath.

I've watched enough crime shows to know what's behind that cloth.

But then... it was either me blacking out, probably forever, for not breathing or me blacking out due to the drug in that cloth.

I didn't choose those options and decided to breath through my mouth and exhale the air through it too.

Noticing what I'm doing, he grunted and punched my stomach, making me breath through my nose involuntarily.

The last thought I can remember was ->


Then the darkness consumed me.


H I !

Who do you think is HIM ? Comment it hereif you have your own suspect!

Thank you and see you!

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