Chapter 30 - kicked out

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Hello my lovelies🙈😋how have you been?...... Here's the update you have been waiting for. You guys can give me requests or ideas of of what you think should or might happen.


•A few weeks later •

"I'm sorry Miss Matthews but I'm going to have to suspend you" My head teacher said.

" What?! Why" I exclaimed.

"Well I've heard from a few people  that you are pregnant and it's hard to believe that you, an A* student would think of getting pregnant at a young age" I looked down trying to avoid eye contact.

"So am I right in saying that you're carrying a baby" he questioned and I nodded.

"3 months"

"Well I'm sorry Miss Matthews but I have to suspend you because you're carrying a child and it would be a bad influence for the students I'm sorry but you cannot stay in this school, I will inform you parents about it later on in the day but for now, you have to leave."

"Alright Mr Wilson, would I be able to get work from my teachers? They can be given to my brothers or Kyle."

"I'll have to see if I can make arrangements, yes but you may have to take classes at home, you will still be able to graduate " he suggested.

Well he has got a point.

"Okay thank you Mr Wilson" and with that I left, when I opened the door, everyone's eyes were on me.

I stepped out the door turning the corridor when everyone's eyes were still on me.

'I told you she was pregnant'

'She's gained weight'

'I'm pretty sure that Kyle's the dad'

'Lindsay was right she is a slut'  that one set me off, "Tell Lindsay to stop spreading all of these rumours when I know that she's going to take your man" I sneered,marching off.

"Hold on wait up Demi" Austin hollered, " What's going on where are you going?"

"I'm going home" I rolled my eyes "I got kicked out of school, everyone knows now" I said looking down at my stomach which has grown in the last few weeks.

"I'm going to ask mom or dad to pick me up" I rolled my eyes.

"Nah, I'll drop you off, since it's lunch I'll grab us something to eat" He swirled his keys around his finger. I quickly text Kyle telling him the situation.

We got in the car driving to McDonald's, then home. I hopped out saying thanks shutting the door behind me. As I got into the house, mom was shouting at dad.


"MY WORK IS IMPORTANT" dad replied


Dad sighed, I dropped my bag at the front door, they hadn't even realised that I was here.

" if you're work is so important go spend it with your accountant Karen" she spat harshly, the glare in her eyes showed her hatred for this women. She really doesn't like Karen at one stage she was convinced that her and dad had a thing going on.

Wow I've never seen my parents get like this.

"Hey.. Um mom and dad, I got kicked out"

My moms brow raised," why honey?" She gave a weak smile.

"Because I'm pregnant that's why, Mr Wilson said that it's a bad example for the school, he said I'll still be able to graduate " I shrugged, sipping on my Sprite.

"That means we'll have to get u a tutor"

"Yeah I guess so" I sighed rubbing my stomach.

"I think I'm going to have a nap, I have a headache" I groaned,my head pounding.

" I'm going to start lunch" mom announced strolling into the kitchen I can tell she was pissed." The couch or one of the spare bedrooms will be comfortable for you today" she looked at dad. Wow, my mom is a savage.

I took some pain killers, laying down on my bed hoping this headache would go, I sat at my desk sketching a few little pictures trying to imagine what my baby would look like. I picture him/her to have Kyle's eyes, those hazel brown entrancing eyes, they're most likely to have brown hair.

I lifted my t-shirt analysing my stomach, " You're getting big" I heard someone say and they made me jump.

"Dad, you scared me" I panted with my hands on my chest.

"My little girl is having a little baby, I can't believe it you've grown up so quick" be stared at my stomach.

"You're becoming a softy old man" I said cheekily and he replied with a deep chuckle.

"Enough of that" he said jokingly "I need you to do me a favour, you're mom is pretty pissed off at me and I'm not too keen in sleeping on the couch or in one of the spare bedrooms. I'm going to show you're mom how much I care about her"

I gave him a disgusted look " does this include the dirty?" I asked

"Maybe, but that's not the point I'm going shopping today to get your mom a few gifts, tomorrow can u try and keep her out of the bedroom so I can sneak them all in without her knowing"

"Oh okay, do it quickly before the boys get back because they might ruin it"

"Yeah you're right"

"Anyway dad I'm going to take a nap" I groaned rubbing my head. He left with an okay.

I patted my bed, letting Yoshi sit on it as I stroked his fur, putting us both to sleep.

"Hey babe" I heard someone whisper in my ear and I immediately jumped up whacking them in the face.

"Babe" I scowled and Yoshi started to bark,"what the fuck" I looked at him completely confused, I huffed as I rubbed my eyes checking the time. I had like 3 hours sleep.

He just laughed as I put my hair up in a messy bun, I went into my bathroom washing my face to wake me up.

"Hey babe I'm sorry" he apologised, I scoffed rolling my eyes. He gets so annoying sometimes just like my brothers.

"Hey I said I'm sorry" he held me from behind, "I didn't know you would react that way" he honestly confessed.

"It's alright" I sighed, "I'm just stressed, y'know I got kicked out today due to my pregnancy, I came back and mom and dad were arguing and it was hectic. That's why I took a nap"

" Yeah Austin already told me and I realised that you're mom looked pissed when I got here" he answered.

"What do you think the baby is going to look like?"

"I think she/he is going to have those chocolate brown eyes , curly hair and those pink plump lips which their mother has"

"I love you" I said
"I love you too" he smiled pressing his plump lips against mines.

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