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Your POV

After having put on that "onesie" as they called it we all sat down on the floor in a circle.

"Why exactly are we doing this?" I asked, Neva nuzzling into my side as she lay sprawled on the floor next to me. The hood of the onesie covering her eyes.

"It's like... Tradition! You know, to play truth or dare!" Cadenza exclaimed over dramatically with hand motions my brain can't even begin to comprehend.

"Truth or dare?" I asked quizzically, cocking my head to the side in confusion.

"Ok... So basically someone asks you 'truth or dare'. If you pick truth you need to be honest about whatever they want to know. But if you pick dare... You have to do whatever they tell you to do." Nicole explained. Smirking evilly as she spoke about the dare side of things. At this point, she was scaring me more than Cadenza does.

"Anyway!" Cadenza clasped her hands together as she spoke," Let's get on with the game!"

"Who's going first?" Kawaii-Chan asked,

"I'll go... So... Aphmau, Truth or Dare?" Katelyn asked, leaning in closer to Aphmau with eagerness.

"Truth. I don't trust you, Nicole or Cadenza with dares." Aphmau stated with a giggle.

"Darn it... I had something good planned! Ok then... So... If Zane wasn't so bad, would you consider dating him?" Everyone, besides me, gasped in horror at Katelyn. Who's Zane?

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but who's Zane?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion.

"The biggest Baka ever YN-Chan!" Kawaii- Chan yelled before throwing herself backwards onto the floor in a very... Dramatic way...


"He's just a guy that has a knack for ruining people's lives and destroying villages. He also happens to be Garroths little brother." My mouth fell open at Katelyns openness about the situation.

"Katelyn!" The others chorused.

"What? She asked." She shrugged in response to the others shock.

"Wait... What were we talking about again?" Kawaii-Chan asked, sitting back up suddenly.

"Whether or not Aphmau would go out with Zane if he wasn't evil." Nicole stated. Boredom laced in her voice.

"Oh yeah... Proceed!" Kawaii-Chan stated with a smile.

"Well I-I mean... He's okay looking I guess... But... I wouldn't..." Aphmau stuttered out with red cheeks.

"S-So anyway! YN... Truth or dare?" She asked, quickly changing the topic to something else.

"Truth. I don't want to have to do something stupid..." I wasn't exactly sure if I wanted to risk doing something that I would regret later.

"Ok... I know this is stupid... But doesn't your hair sorta... Drag you down? Like is it uncomfortable in anyway... I mean it's just so long..." Aphmau rambled on.

"Well... Yeah I guess... I mean it is sorta uncomfortable... I can't really let it get wet when I swim or else it'll land up suffocating me and it gets knots in it really easily. But I haven't really ever tried cutting it."

"Game over girls!" Cadenza jumped off the floor before a look of absolute determination came over her features.

"But it was gonna get juicy! Especially with my dares!" Nicole whined loudly.

"No! Kawaii-Chan!"

"Yes Cadenza-Senpai!" Kawaii-Chan popped up too, her hand to her forehead in a salute.

"Scissors!" Kawaii-Chan gave a nod before rushing away to get them.

"Aphmau! I need hair ties!"

"On it!"

"Katelyn! Fill the basin with warm water! And Nicole I need hair products and equipment!"

"Yes sir!" Both of them said simultaneously, they the,selves jumping off the floor and scrambling in different directions.

I never should have said anything....

Wild - A Laurence x Y/N storyWhere stories live. Discover now