Chapter 5: You Want Me To What Now?

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"Is Stefan any better?" I asked Elena when we arrived at school.

"I don't--" she cut herself off as we watched an old fashioned, red car park in a space close to us. "Why don't you ask him yourself" she looked on in confusion as Stefan exited the vehicle.

"I'll leave you two to it, my questioning can wait" I gave her a quick side hug before heading towards the school. The first lesson is History, and I was able to make it just as the bell rang--sadly there was no applause for such an accomplishment(!) I took my seat and watched Stefan and Elena trail in a few minutes later, and then Alaric closing the door behind them.

"Ok. This week we're going to set aside out regular curriculum for a lesson in local history as we approach founder's day. Apparently the community leaders feel that's more important than world war two, but hey, what do I know?" Alaric's head moved towards the opening door.

"Sorry I'm late" Bonnie walked in, and I couldn't help it.

"Bon Bon!" I shrieked in front of the entire class, sinking down slightly as they all turned to give me weird looks.

"Looks like we will be at full occupancy today. Welcome home, Bonnie. As you can see, your fans have missed you" Alaric looked at me for that one, I responded with a rare blush. "Right, founder's day. What does it mean to have a founders day? Well, if you'll turn your attention to this exquisite diorama over here that I spent all night..." Alaric's voice trailed off in my head as Bonnie's head turned from Elena to my position next to her.

"Kat?" she whispered.

"I'm back Bonnie" I managed to keep my voice at a whisper.

"Since when?" she questioned.

"A week tomorrow. God have I missed you" I grinned. "What have I missed?"

"Let's talk about that later" her face took on a sad look as she looked back towards Alaric, I frowned but continued to pay attention also.


"Bonnie!" I rushed after her.

"Hey Kat" she smiled.

"Why are you avoiding me?" I decided not to dance around the subject.

"I'm not--" I cut her off.

"You are and you know it. You said we'd talk yesterday, then you ran off before we could. Elena won't tell me anything, and I don't even know why you were away. I called and was told you'd changed your number, I tried to get in contact with your dad and he said you weren't talking to anybody, on my way to Care's I dropped by your Grams and she wouldn't answer the door. What did I do wrong Bonnie? Tell me and I'll fix it" I pleaded.

"You don't know..." she whispered.

"Know what?" I frowned.

"I think we should sit for this" she directed me towards a bench.

"Oookaaayyy?" I sat with her and continued to frown.

"I left town Grams died" at Bonnie's words I felt as though someone had punched me in the gut, knocked the air right out of me.

"Really? Wow. I wasn't expecting that...Elena tells me everything but that, is she kidding? I learn about her vampire boyfriend and we go into depth about our adoption, but according to her everyone was okay here. Why would she lie about that?" I held back any tears.

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