Dante x Aaron

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Aaron x Dante

Dante's POV

Me and Aaron have been secretly dating for 3 years. 3 years of keeping secrets from everyone... Honestly, I have no clue how we pulled it off! I know Aaron and Aphmau have been dating but it was a cover up... I know it was because he told me it before they even started dating! We know everything about each other! We were all at Aphmau's house having a sleepover. Aaron looked nervous so I pulled him aside.

"What's the matter?" I asked. He took a deep breathe.

"I'm going to break up with Aph...." He said.

"Okay... Good luck!" I said patting his back.

"Aph... Can we go outside and talk in private?" Aaron asked Aphmau. She nodded and they went outside... Good luck Aaron.

Aaron's POV

Me and Aphmau walked out side.

"So... I was thinking we should breakup..." I said slowly she smiled. "Because I liked you, I will say that but I love someone else, and I just didn't want to hurt you..." I continued. She hugged me.

"I didn't want to break up for the same reason! I like you, but I love someone else!" We smiled.

"That was easier than I suspected! I have an idea to tell the others too *tells idea*!Let's go!" I said before we walked back in with smiles. We all sat in a circle and started playing truth and dare. "Aph! Truth or dare!"


"I dare you to break up with me!" She smiled.

"Aaron! We are through!" She said in a serious tone.

"Alright!" I said trying not to cheer.


"We were pretending, we both like eachother as friends but we have others we love..." Me and Aphmau said at the same time.

"WHO RUINED MY SHIP!!" She was angry. I stared right into her soul. She whimpered before hiding behind Katelyn.

"Geez... You can't force love!" I mumbled under my breath and crossed my arms. Than the doorbell rang. Aphmau got it, Vylad and Gene came in. (Let's pretend he is in this group, okay? Glad we agree!) They were holding hands... Gene is the only one that knows me and Dante are dating but he only found out a year ago, his brotherly senses were kicking in. I looked and Gene than Vylad, then back to Gene and gave him a thumbs up. He blushed and let go of Vylad's hand. They sat down joining the circle he looked at me than eyed Dante. Than eyed the door, meaning he needed to talk. I nodded. "I'll be right back." I said before going out the door. After a minute later Gene came out. "Me and Aphmau broke up, it was the easiest thing in the world..." I said looking at the stars.

"So when you going to ask him?" He asked.

"Tonight maybe..." I said. The ring was in my pocket as we speak...

"Well, Nicole has been eyeing him down..." We walked in and Dante and Nicole were kissing. She was holding him there. He was trying to get off. And his face was red with anger. I clenched my fist.

"IRENE GET HER OFF ME!!" He managed to yell before punching her across the face. He was panting glaring at Nicole, who was holding her cheek.

"Nicole... Never make Dante mad... He will kick your @ss..." Gene said with sigh. I nodded. He is one hot B#tch you don't want to mess with... And that @ss! Ugh! Sometimes I hate secretly dating! I sighed before me and Gene sat down. We started playing truth and dare again. It was my turn. "Truth or dare Dante?" I asked him.

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