I'm Not Okay (I Promise) Chapter 16

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I know I'm a day late...but here's a Halloween chapter! =D Happy Fucking Birthday Frankie! I love you <3 You are my hero.....and now a tree xD

Chapter 16.

(One week later)


Shit shit shit shit.

Halloween is tomorrow, AND I HAVE NO FUCKING COSTUME!

I stood in front of my closet, hands on my hips. What could I possibly throw together at the last minute?

Oh, and not only is Halloween tomorrow, but the Halloween dance at school is TONIGHT.

I want to go ask something AHH-MAZING and wow everybody, but I JUST DON'T KNOW.


I sighed, walking over to my mirror and admiring the red streaks on the bottom layer of my hair. Last Saturday, Gerard had stayed over and we put red highlights in each other's hair. I personally thought his looked better than mine, but he refused.

I laughed at myself, walking away from the mirror and plopping onto my bed face-first. What was I gonna do?


"Right here Mom!" I said as she walked past me.

She turned around, almost dropping the shopping bags that were in her hands. "Oh!" she walked back towards me.

I led her into Hot Topic. She had the weirdest look on her face when we walked into here. And I laughed at her everytime.

"What do we need to get in here?" she asked, trying to squeeze through the aisles.

"Frank gloves and face paint." I replied, grabbing some skeleton-finger gloves off a rack and heading over to the face paint.

"Anything else?" she asked, looking around.

"I don't think so." I replied.

She smiled "Thank God."

I laughed, grabbing a package of face paint and walking to the register.

After I had checked out, we walked out, and I laughed at my mom. She looked like she had been holding her breath while we were in there. Knowing her, she probably did.

"Anywhere else we need to go?" she asked, walking through the mall next to me.

"Umm..." I looked around at the stores that we hadn't been to yet. "I don't think so."

"Good." she smiled. "So, you still haven't told me what you're being for Halloween."

I laughed. "You can't just wait to see?" I asked.

"No, I can't. I've been asking you for a week." she replied.

"Fine." I sighed. "Well, I actually didn't get anything for my costume today."

She looked at me suspisously. "But you told me we were going Halloween shopping today."

"Yeah, because skeleton gloves and face paint are relative to Halloween." I replied. "But I didn't get anything for my actual COSTUME here."

She laughed. "You are such a sneak."

I smiled. "I know!"


I smiled as I stood in front of the mirror.

Finally, finished.

I glanced over at the clock on my radio. It was 6:24. Gerard would be here any minute.

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