Save You Tonight

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It had been another week in America. We had been traveling a lot, getting no breaks. Trying to do a tour in two months is hard. I smoothed out my outfit and stood up. Right now the boys and I were sitting around, and Niall was complaining about how hungry he was. Our chauffeur pulled over at a gas station. We jumped out and Niall and the boys went into the store, and I went to the restroom. I opened the door to go in, and there I was face to face with him. Father. I took a step back, trying to escape, but he lunges at me. He grabbed a strong grasp on my arm, and I couldn't escape.

"If you make any noise or try to escape, I will kill all your little boyfriends," He whispered into my ear. I could feel his hot breath against my neck, I could smell the alcohol in his breath. He pulled me out of the back exit, so no one could see me. He dragged me along. I had to find a way for the boys to know what was going on. I slowly put my hand in my pocket, and pressed the record button on my iphone. I struggled, trying to get my Father to say something into the phone.

"Stop it!" He yelled at me, and slapped me. The phone would be able to pick up the distinguished noise of slapping. I put my phone into my pocket, stopping the recording. I acted like I had accidentally dropped my phone, but I did it on purpose. He smiled happily, because I lost the thing that could allow me to call the police, but he doesn't understand my plan. He pushed me into an abandoned alleyway, but heard voices, and dragged me away. Whenever I stopped, he'd slap me across the face, leaving my cheek bright red. He continued pulling me along, until he saw an abandoned storage area, and pushed me in. He locked the door behind me. I felt my body shaking. How in the world am I going to get out of this.

"I finally have you, sweetheart," he whispered into my ear. His hot breathing on my neck. Father held onto my arm. I could see his arm pull back, then lunge forward to punch me straight in the stomach. I gasped for breath. I tried to pull away, but his grasp was too strong. He punched me again, straight in the nose. I could feel the blood trickle down.

"Don't mess with me," He whispered. I looked over at him, as he slightly pulled up his shirt, exposing a blade. Oh, God, he has a knife. My breathing became shaky. I felt his hand slip under my clothes. His hand touched my bare skin. I couldn't breath. Suddenly, the worst thing possible happened. I felt like I couldn't breath as he did this to me. My world turned pitch black.


*Niall's P.O.V.*

It had been nearly twenty minutes, and Nicole hadn't come out of the bathroom. I grew anxious, as the boys waited impatiently. I started pacing. Should we check on her? Maybe she's cutting herself again.

"Should we check on her?" I asked the others,"Maybe she's cutting herself."

"Fine, let's check," Liam replied,"Just me and you."

Louis and Harry glared at Liam, knowing that Liam wouldn't want them in a girl's restroom. Zayn shrugged and leaned against the tour bus. Liam and I walked into the girl's restroom.

"Nicole, you in here?" Liam asked. No answer. Liam and I looked under the stall doors, for feet. Nothing. Liam decided to open the doors (he knocked first). No one here. We ran out to the tour bus. The other lads looked at us confused.

"What's wrong?" Louis asked.

"S-She's not there!" I exclaimed. They jumped up and ran over to Liam and me.

"What do you think happened?" Zayn asked frantically.

"I-I don't know," I replied.

"Maybe she went out the back entrance," Liam suggested. We ran to the back entrance. Harry searched around and saw a phone. He ran over to us and showed us. It was Nicole's. It had the British/ Irish flag on it. I looked at the screen. It said Recording Saved.

"She recorded something, play it," I told Harry. The others gathered around to listen. First, I heard the sound of footsteps, then a man's voice yelled,"Stop it!"

I winced when I heard the distinct sound of someone slapping someone's face. The recording ended, and I knew who that was. The voice came from Nicole's Father.

"It's her Father...." I whispered. The other lads heard me and we started running down the abandoned roads, in search of Nicole. H-He really got her this time. We saw a dark alley, he's got to be in here. Nothing, we continued running. Then, we reached a clearing. I thought we would never find her. I saw Louis stop, and point to an abandoned storage building. They have to be in there. We ran straight for the doors, and slammed them open.


*Nicole's P.O.V.*

I felt like I couldn't breath. He finally stopped, and I was shaking immensely. I saw him pull out the blade. Suddenly, the doors slammed open. There were the boys. I felt like I had been saved. Father still had the knife in his hand, now aimed for my heart. Zayn and Niall ran over, and tried holding him back. But, it was too late. He stabbed me. The blade didn't stab my heart, but my lower stomach. I tried to gasp for breath. I was dying, I could feel the horrid pain take over me. I heard screaming as i fell to the ground, knife still in my body. I blacked out to the sound of screaming. I don't want to lose them.

*Niall's P.O.V.*

I saw Nicole against the wall, her body limp. Her clothes partially undone, and messy. I-I can't believe it, her own Father raped her. I looked in his hand, and saw a knife. Zayn and I ran towards him, to hold him back. He was very strong and was able to get enough strength to lunge his knife straight towards Nicole's stomach. I screamed as Nicole's eyes widened, and she fell to the floor. I saw her Father smiling proudly. I felt like I had been taken over. I used all my strength to send my fist straight towards his stomach. He staggered back, and Zayn hit him again. He fell. I hit him again and again, knocking him unconscious. I continued hitting him, even after he had blacked out, tears streaming down my face. Zayn pulled me away. Harry and Liam ran over to us.

"L-Louis!" Liam cried,"C-Call the police!"

Louis quickly pulled out his phone and called the police. I ran towards Nicole's body. I saw blood gushing out of her stomach., with the knife still in her body. I screamed,"Someone get it out of her! SHE'S DYING!"

Liam reached towards the handle, hands shaking uncontrollably, and pulled the knife out, letting out a new stream of blood. He threw the knife aside, sobbing. I threw off my jacket, and tried to cover Nicole's wound. Blood kept seeping through, I started sobbing. Louis ran over to us.

"T-They're coming," Louis said. We tried to help Nicole by covering her stomach with our jackets. I held her hand, crying to her. Please God, let her live. Then, the paramedics ran in, to take care of Nicole. They placed her limp body on a stretcher. I felt myself falling into darkness. I collapsed on the ground sobbing my heart out, as they tried to save Nicole, because I couldn't save her anymore. Zayn tried to calm me down, as he cried. The police ran in, and arrested her Father. He was still unconscious. He was finally going to jail. Nicole was finally free from him, but I don't know if she will ever be able to live again.


Hey Guys! Thank you so much for reading!! I LOVE YOU:D

I was thinking that since I don't have as many comments and votes I expected for this book, I might just delete it!

Tell me your opinion about this!! Xoxo

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