Chapter 26

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Juvia's POV

I don't know why but I'm feeling guilty on what I'm doing with Gray. I'm playing with him. But at the same time, I just can't let Lucy-san down. We haven't talk lately about Gray. I don't know if I should continue this or what. I don't want him to get hurt because of me. We've been texting and seeing each other since the school festival. And it seems that Gray is actually a nice guy if you get to know him better.

I saw Lucy-san talking at Lisanna-san at the corridor in front of Lucy-san's classroom. I hide behind the lockers and unintentionally eavesdrop on their conversation.

"You know what Lisanna forget it. It's true I'm his girlfriend now and I don't need to explain myself to you." Lucy-san said.

So it's true! The rumors said that Natsu-san and Lucy-san are finally dating. I saw Lucy-san went back to her room and leave Lisanna outside. Lisanna is walking towards my direction and I approached her.


"Juvia!" she was startled to see me and I was surprised to see her tears flowing from her eyes. She noticed that she was crying and immediately wipe her tears.

I handed her my handkerchief. "Here." I said and she takes it and use it to wipe her tears.

"Juvia. Can you be with me just for now?" She asked. I want to turn her down because I have a class and I think she have her own class too. But I just can't leave her alone.

"O-okay." I said.

Lisanna and I went to the Fairy Garden of the Academy. I just wish no one will see us skipping classes.

"Natsu talked to me the other day." She begun on telling her story behind those tears

"He asked me out on a date...I thought he is giving me a second chance since Lucy won their contest. But I was so stupid to assume things like that...." I just keep quiet while listening to her. She's only looking at my handkerchief on her hands.

She chuckles. "You know what's more funny, its when you let your heart shatter into million pieces again. Why is it so hard to love? Why do people get stupid when it comes to loving someone, that they know 'they can never be yours'?" I looked at Lisanna and she's crying again.

"Why do they play and break someone else's heart so easily?" She said while trying to put up a laugh

"Yesterday when we met for our date, he gave me a bouquet of roses. I was so happy to receive them from Natsu. But..."

"What happened?" I asked because she stops on talking

"Lisanna this is the last time I'm going to go out with you. I don't want you near me anymore. I'm sorry Lisanna but I've already found someone I love and that is Lucy. Thank you for everything. I'm sorry that I used you. I'm sorry that I dumped you. And I'm sorry for hurting you."

"He said. And I slap him really hard."

"Natsu. Thank you for hurting and breaking my heart twice! I'm really greatful to have met you because I can be more careful of loving someone else again."

"I said and left him. I gave his bouquet back and went home. I cried all night on my pillow trying to let go of the pain on my chest.

Until I got message from my email. That Natsu and Lucy-san are officially dating. That crushed my heart even more." I've receive the same message last night. I don't know whose it from but it was send to every student of the Academy.

"Tell me Juvia, is it wrong for me to love this much?" She looked at me and I can't bear to see her like that.

"Lisanna it's not wrong for you to love. Maybe you've just love the wrong person. You know sometimes people makes mistakes. But you know what, I know someone will come at your life and love you as much as you do. Someone that will care for you. Someone that will always be with you and someone who won't hurt you." I said and she nodded. I let her cry on my shoulders as much as she wants until her eyes went dry.


My conversation with Lisanna earlier made me think a lot.

"Why do they play and break someone else's heart so easily?"

I can't get this out of my mind. I can't even focus in class.

I went to the cafeteria to buy my lunch. I want to eat alone so I just bought a sandwich and a juice box. I didn't joim the group and went to the open field below an apricot tree.

I've watch the soccer team practicing while eating. I keep spacing out for a while now. I don't want Gray to end up like Lisanna. But what about Lucy-san?

"Yo! Juvia!" I don't know what Gray will feel when he found out about my true motive.

"Juvia?" Will he hate me?

"JUVIA!" I was startled and dropped my sandwich on the ground. I looked at my sandwich with teary eyes. My poor sandwich. T^T

"What's the big deal?!" I raised my voice a bit. I looked at the one who startled me. And I froze on who it was.


"I'm sorry about your sandwhich. Here you can have mine." He said and handed me his sandwich. I take it because I've only taken a bite from my sandwich.

"Thank you." I said and he seated next to me.

"I didn't expect that you can yell." He laughs and I'm burning up with embarrassment.

"I'm sorry about that Gray-sama." I said

"No. Don't be, I should be the one apologizing for surprising you. I'm sorry." He said and smiles at me

"So why didn't you came in class during first period?" He asked because he's one of my classmate.

"Juvia just need to do something important."

"Ooohhh. Okay. You already know that Lucy and Natsu are official right?" That caught my attention

"Ah yes. Why did you asked?"

"I know Lucy is your friend but, I'm still doubting her actions. I don't trust Lucy Heartfilia." He said looking at the sky

"Huh? Why? Lucy-san is a nice person you know." I said

"Yeah right. After many guys that she broke, she's still a nice person to anyone." Look whose talking. I knew Gray is a bit of a player also but he's actually a nice guy. I know their is a reason for everyhting but what I don't understand is why he's angry at Lucy-san.

"I'm glad that you're different from her Juvia. Even though she's your friend, I know that you are not one of them." He said with a bright smile on his face.

"Umm...Gray-sama..." I said and look down at the sandwich on my hand

"What is it?"

"What if Juvia turn out to be like them? Playing with peoples heart..."

"Don't say that because I can see in your eyes that you are different from Lucy. All I can see in your eyes is love for others. I know that you won't hurt people so easily. That's what I like about you." He said lifting my head.

"L-like???!" My face is crimson red from blushing.

"Ahh....not...thats not what I mean.....Say wanna grab something to drink??? Hahaha come on." Gray said and stood up and went ahead.

What was that all about??? I touch my face woth both of my hands and they are still burning hot. What's wrong with him, saying such words to Juvia?!

To be continued....

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