8| explanations and excuses

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I was not surprised when I heard that Drew had over slept and was running late once again.

It had been a long and stretched week since I had first stepped foot in the Leikos pack. My days had acquired a monotonous routine.

Arden would visit me in the morning and I would tell him to go away, then Drew, Wes and I would go for a run in the woods after which Wes would disappear for an hour or two during which Drew and I would play really lame games invented by him and talk about our sad lives. Castile too would turn up unexpectedly in his free time, which made me feel happy since he took the time away from his Beta duties to entertain me, even though he didn't have to.

The schedule was constant and I started to plan my escape from this pack. The only problem were Drew,Wes and Castile. I had grown really close to the three of them and I knew that my leaving would make them feel betrayed and hurt, but I couldn't stay here any more.

The closer I was to Arden the more the mate bond would grow and I couldn't risk another reason to stay.

"We're going for a run, Rosie!" Drew yelled out from outside my door. The door opened and Wes poked his head inside the room.

"Rosie, Drew has finally arrived." I laughed.

"What are you waiting for?" Drew said, "Let's get up and moving!" He wiggled his ass in this really weird way that cracked us up.

I rolled out of bed and tumbled onto the floor, dragging my sheets with me.

"Owie!" I rubbed the back of my head. Wes started laughing even louder and Drew joined in.

"Arden didn't come today?" I asked hesitantly, untangling myself from the bedsheets.

"He has a meeting with the elders."

"He is taking extra training today."

I looked at the both of them suspiciously. "Is he training or having a meeting?" I asked them both who looked uncomfortable.

"He is taking over the extra training."

"He is in a meeting." They both once again said simultaneously but switched their answers. They looked at each other and glared. I could tell they were mind linking each other as their eyes darkened slightly, barely noticeable but a sure shot sign of knowing that they were communicating via their wolves.

"I don't believe either of you but I really want to go for a run, so let's go!" I hopped up and then remembered that I hadn't brushed or completed any of my morning necessities.

"After half-an-hour!" I rushed to the bathroom.

A good hour later, I emerged from the bathroom clean, decent and relieved.

We ran around and chased each other around the territory for a while. My white coat had become rather dirty and I went to stream to wash it off. I didn't realize how late it had become, the sun was already going down.

"Drew? Wes!" I called out. I hadn't realise when they went missing, I couldn't find them anywhere. It was not like them to disappear, not only because their alpha would rip their head off but also because they naturally had a pull to stay close to their beloved Luna.

I hadn't seen Rianne ever since the encounter that day and I had a feeling that she was purposely keeping out of my way. I didn't like the fact that she already has what I could never have, Arden had tried to speak to me about them but I never let him.

"Wes!" I called out and a warm hand circled my waist. I kneed my attacker where the sun didn't shine but then felt the semi-familiar sparks.

"Rose!" He yelled and my eyes widened.

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