Chapter 71- Fresh Wounds

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"Alright since that's out of the way why don't you tell us what the hell happened?" Jason growled at Jenny.

"Let me explain Jay, she might tell another lie." I said sarcastically. I looked to Jenny.

Her eyes burned with hatred for me and her face was mixed of hate, sadness and fear.

"Jenny wanted to go on a run for more insulin. She told me she knew a place that was already cleared out so I didn't need my swords." I said calmly. "We drove for three hours, she told me that she wanted Daryl back. She told me she would hurt Tayler if I came back." I paused and looked down at my leg.

"Then she shot me in the leg." I said quietly.

"SHE DID WHAT?!" Daryl screamed in outrage as he stormed over to Jenny.

"I OUTTA KILL YOU!" He screamed in her face. Rick stepped in front of Daryl and pushed him back.

"Whoa Daryl. Just calm down." Rick said, trying to be humane.

"Let me take a look at your leg." Hershel said, walking over to me.

I nodded and I sat down on the pavement. I rolled my pant leg up and Hershel took the gauze off. The wound was raw, with a bluish colour surrounding it. The skin was chewed up and most of it was bloody.

Hershel sighed and rubbed his chin. "Whats wrong?!" Jason asked in alarm.

Hershel stood up and I rolled my pant leg down. "It's infected. She has to get a strong dose of antibiotics as soon as possible." He said.

I frowned and looked up at Tayler and Jason "What if we can't find antibiotics?" I asked.

"You'll loose your leg." He commented. I froze and started to stand up.

Jason quickly grabbed my arm and Tayler tried to help him, they pulled me to my feet and I stared at the group. "What do we do?" I asked the group.

"I dunno bout ya'll, but I'm goin' out and findin' that shit you need." Daryl shouted, walking over to his bike.

"I'm coming too." Maggie said, she walked over and hopped on behind him.

"Be careful!" Rick yelled after them as Daryl turned the motorcycle on.

"Now, back to the matter at hand." Jason spat out.

"Jenny get in the truck with Ryan." Rick ordered.

She scowled and crossed her arms "You can't tell me what to-" she started to say, but Jason cut her off.

"You get in that truck or I won't hesitate to slit your throat!" He spat.

She stuck her tongue out and stormed over to the truck with Ryan. "What do you want to do with her?" Rick asked me.

I shook my head and looked at Rick, "You decide Rick, you're the leader." I commanded.

I walked over to the side of the highway and Lori, Carol, Tayler, and Allison came over.

"Let's set up camp." Lori said quietly. I nodded and Carol brought a few small tents over.

"Help me?" Carol asked. I stood up and walked over to Carol. I grabbed the smallest tent and started to pitch it beside the road.

I got it done fast, and Tayler walked over. "I think they're gonna put a blind fold over Jenny, drive her out somewhere and leave her there." Tayler sighed.

"Alone?" I asked. She nodded and I shrugged.

"She's going to be in the exact same position I was in." I said.

That Redneck (Daryl Dixon love story from The walking dead/TWD)Where stories live. Discover now