Chapter 23

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"Stop! STOP!"

But it was hopeless. James, William and Ravena were on the floor, writhing around in agonising pain and frothing at the mouth.

I turned on Pebble.

"What do those berries do?! Why didn't you warn us earlier?! I hate you!"

I jumped onto Pebble much the same way I had jumped Fred when we first started this crazy adventure. We were rolling on the floor and I was pulling out her hair and pummeling her over and over. Then she said something I didn't expect.

"Not be clouded by anger please. Help I can. Not let the dark in you escape. Terrible madness."

So I stepped off her and let her assess the situation. I was too stunned to do much more than watch. What darkness? What madness?!

What about James, William and Ravena? Would they survive this?

Pebble worked for several minutes, but after a while, something happened. She started coughing. Coughing up blood. I'd probably hurt her. Made her bleed internally. I felt guilty that I made her feel such pain, but some part of me was happy that she was dying painfully, that I had avenged what would be James, Willim and Ravena's death.

Woah. What was I thinking. Pebble wasn't involved in the cause of their deaths. The berries were.

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