Demyx X Reader

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Demyx wake up! You called as you shuck his bed. " Y/N its 11:30 why are you up?" he moaned and stared up at you. " Umm..." You stuttered as a lighting strike it towards the tower again making you jump. " Y/N are you scared of the thunder..." He asked me as I looked down. " There is nothing to be afraid off , if you want we can play a few pranks on the other members?" He suggested as I laughed. Demyx is the most laziest Organization members but , he could get up and pull a million pranks on anyone! 

First we got a bucket of water and put it on top of Axel's doorway. " That will " cool " his temper!" Demyx laughed as I chuckled. We headed to Marluxia's room next and stole his scythe! We then put it in Saix's room after. Those 2 always get in fights! We planned a few more pranks and had realized the thunder had stopped. 

" Guess the thunder stopped." I told him as he sighed " What's with the sigh?" I asked him as he smiled. " Maybe I just had to much fun!" he whispered laughing as he leaned forward and kissed me. When this happened I was shocked. Little did you know you 2 would be inseparable since the kiss.

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