Selective Mutism (Ziall AU)

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*Riiiiiiing* the school bell went

The students of B11 quietened down for their lesson of Careers in Social Studies. Zayn sat near the back, all his books out and already starting his work, using his laptop for

The rest of the class sat chatting, some kids not even sitting, instead standing or having a playful but silent wrestling match.

Zayn continued to tap away at the keys on his keyboard, filling in his book online instead of on paper. Thankfully the school had put the workbooks onto the school websites now so that students could access them... And Zayn was one of the few that didn't use a book .

"Shut up!" The teacher shouted walking through the door "I could hear you from the staff room!"

The students all sat in their seats this time, waiting for one kid to volunteer to hand out books. Zayn continued to work away and when a book slammed on his Mac Book he threw the book right back at the unfamiliar student, giving them a glare when they gaped

"Asshole" Zayn muttered trying to wipe of the small crack in his laptop screen

"Good morning, you must be the new student" the teacher suddenly spoke

The entire class lifted their heads... All except Zayn, there was nothing interesting about new kids. They were all girls, didnt speak English and ended up with the A posters of the class.

Everyone was silent and the headmaster spoke instead of whoever the new person was

"Yes, he is" she answered

Zayn stopped typing for a second... Why was the headmaster answering for the boy? Even the international Korean/Chinese students spoke some English

"What's your name son?"

"Niall" once again the headmaster answered

This time Zayn lifted his head. He looked behind him and found a blonde haired boy in the doorway. His eyes were elsewhere and he wasn't even facing the class... Zayn wondered why

"Niall, whats your last name?"

"Horan" the headmaster answered for the third time

"Have a seat just there next to Zayn" the teacher pointed to the empty desk beside the Pakistani boy

This time the Niall boy faced the class. He looked at Zayn who was in awe. Niall sat down beside Zayn and didn't even give the boy in glasses any kind of greeting

"I'll be back with Sara in a minute" the headmaster whispered to Niall

"Hi" Zayn offered his had out "I'm Zayn Malik"

Niall stared blankly at the put out hand

"You shake it..." Zayn frowned "you do know that right?"

Niall's gaze moved to Zayn, the same blank yet somehow distracted look in the blondes eyes

"Do you speak English?" Zayn tried again "... At all?"

The boy continued to stare and he gave a small secretive smile before going back to his sad self and turning to face the front

"I-I guess not then" Zayn hesitated to look away from the boy

Zayn went back to typing and suddenly a small yellow papernote was placed onto his
keyboard saying 'Niall'

"I know" Zayn nodded at the boy "why... Why don't you talk?"

"Mr Malik I advise you to ignore our new student as he is mute" The teacher spoke monotone

Zayn watched Niall sadden deeper than when he'd first walked in... What did the teacher mean by mute?

"Yes sir" Zayn murmured before going back to work

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