Silly Smooches

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Chapter 3

Frisk has been bothering G with all her storys. She's been dieing to tell some one.

"Oh yeah then-" Frisk continued but got cut off by G from taking her arm and chinning her up.

"Can you please stop?" he asked.

Frisk them smooched him.
G:Gahhhh!!! Stahp it!
Frisk:Ok ok. Then how about... Here!?
Frisk: Or Here!?
G: Stop it Please!!
G said as he turns around and puts on his hoodie back on covering his face.

"Ok ok! I stoped hee! I'm sorry I didn't know it was gross to you! You know im human.. And we do this kind of stuff!" said Frisk as she leaned on his back.

"I didn't say it was gross or anything! It's just embarrassing cause I can't do anything!" muttered G

"How do you feel here when we are close together G?" said Frisk as she pointed to his heart

"I feel sad and useless cause I can't do anything..." replied G

"Humans can't do what monsters can do too! But G your very human too me! Your someone that I love!" said Frisk

G turned around slightly bonked on her forehead and stayed like that for a long time.
"Love you too kid.. Us being close togethor like this is good enough for me."

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