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"What I thought was the end was really just the very beginning."

Not all stories end with the main character, the end of one life does not always signal the end of the lives around it. As for the rest of the survivors, they all took their own path.

Gunner and Shadow found sanctuary in a nearby town, and are still alive today. Gunner started to teach and tell his stories to the children of the town. And Shadow? He left the town at age 15 to try to find others, his whereabouts are unknown.

Oh, Kelsey, Lauren, Vince, and Bella?

Kelsey joined the gang Rouge, she stayed within for a few weeks until she decided to leave. In which she was shot in the knee. To show disloyalty, the gang brutality tortured her, till she died of a knife through the neck. 
Lauren and Vince spent their last days together. Vince died a tragic death during combat. Him and Lauren where in self defense against a gang when an unstable car flipped onto Vince, crushing him. Lauren grieved for many days before committing suicide.
Bella's fate had already been told, but in an extremely vague way. For unknown reasons, Bella died on the way to the Wall with her newborn boy, Shadow.

And sadly as all stories do, this one must come to...

The End

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