chapter four

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Ryan pov

Damn it she got away but to where? I sprang outside turning into a wolf slowly letting my wolf take full control. Pain hit my body and i growled loudly knowing our mate was in trouble. I sniffed everywhere for her scent but i couldn't smell her. I finally got close to the bounder and gave a small sniff. She was here! My wolf got happy and howled then stopped as the scent of rust hit my nose. the rouges, I let out a loud distance howl.

Trixie pov

I felt something wet and cold splash over my head and my eyes snapped open and I groaned softly."Don't try to link your wolf missy", a rough tired voice let out from in front of me. I slowly looked up and let out a soft growl which sounded like a dying dog. I coughed softly and looked back down seeing sliver hooked all over my body like a thin snake. I trembled feeling pain all over my body, she was hurt. susie i can't let them hurt you any longer! I felt anger built all through my body and a sudden burst of power coursed through my body. It felt light and beautiful smooth inside me wanting to bounce out of my body and to full control. 

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Dust picked up from the ground around trixies body her body trembled in pain and power. She looked up at the rough built man and snapped out the snake chains pouncing onto him. She seemed to have lost it her once blue hair turned full black and her beautiful brown eyes turned a full on gold and purple. Her dark power floated around the room and blood splattered against the walls. Her tongue flickered smoothly across her bottom lip turning a dark red as she got up. Her vision grew faint and her body collapsed onto the cold wet cobblestone. 

Ryan pov

I felt a sudden shift in the small house, it seemed to come from the basement. There were loud growls and yelps of pain and my wolf thought the worse. I kicked down the wooden burnt door and the scent of a dead pup and year old tennis shoes hit me. My eyes widen and i smelled her lemon cherry scent mixed in with it. I quickly slid down the stairs landing in the blood, i saw her beautiful body lying on the floor the blood under her body and then looked over at the headless body and let out a sigh of relief. I softly picked up her fainted body and walked upstairs leaving the small house. I turned into my wolf and lied her on my back then ran back to the pack house like my pups just died. Why was she so stupid! I quickly blocked out my wolf knowing he'd be pissed at everything i was saying. But goddamn she is such a stupid wolf she went out on her own and got kidnapped like a fool! Does she not see how much I care for her? I mean yeah i uh kinda took her away but oh well! Heh at least my beautiful mate took care of herself before the worse happened. 

A few hours later~

Trixie pov

I woke up to the feeling of being stabbed a shit ton. I groaned softly and opened my eyes weakly then felt the darkness hit my body once more. night night me!

Ryan pov

She slowly opened her eyes and then went back to sleep. I hope she's alright please moon goddess let her be ok for me i need her.

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