Chapter 4

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(Chapter 4)

(Angel POV)
I arrived at school on time and out of breath.
“Ashley,” I shouted catching her by surprise making her drop her books, she turned around glaring at me. I giggled as she picked them up while grumbling under her breath.
“I’m sorry,” I mumbled still giggling.
“Whatever, I told you countless of times not to do that,” She grumbled I giggled and hugged her tightly.
“I’m sorry, but I’m back today! Did you miss me?” I asked grinning I missed school yesterday to go to the doctors my arm was turning an ugly blue color. He loosened my cast for me and told me to keep in elevated. After some arguing with him and some other things that I shall not mention I ended up stuck in the hospital for the day.
“I heard about the hospital incident,” she stated I rolled my eyes I’m sure my mom told her, she had diarrhea in the mouth. My dad wasn’t exactly pleased by the doctor’s decision; he ended up raising hell, because I was crying. So my dad basically destroyed the hospital room and practically attacked every doctor who came near me. Eventually they did let him whisk me away and we’re now banned from the hospital so I now officially have to go to the packs hospital if I am injured.
“It wasn’t my fault,” I mumbled opening my locker and tossing my books in as a shadow loomed over me. I frowned why did it get so dark all the sudden. I stiffened as warm air fanned my neck
“Angel,” A husky voice said behind me. I squeaked and turned around seeing Blake standing awfully close with a smirk.
“I came to get you yesterday, but you weren’t home,” He said slowly I nodded and swallowed a lump that formed in my throat before placing my hand on his chest to push him only to pull my hand away quickly from the shocks I received. I look at my hand, the shocks and tingles never really hurt they were a weird feeling, but every time I touch him, I want to touch him more. He chuckled and stepped back a bit, but he was still hunched over.
“I was in the hospital,” I stated watching his face frown in worry. I giggled and smoothed out his wrinkles on his forehead.
“Mom says you’ll grow old if you do that,” I mumble frowning as they wrinkled back up again. I took the butt of my hand and slammed it gently against his forehead smoothing them out again.
“Are you okay,” He asked I nodded and moved my hand away. I think I need an iron for his forehead, I’m sure that’ll work.
“Yeah, my arm was swollen, so they loosened it some and what not,” I mumbled finally seeing his forehead return too normal. I guess I won’t be needing my Iron.
“I told you to hold it up,” He scowled I rolled my eyes and looked at Ashley who was staring between the two of us.
“Oh Blake, I haven’t formally introduced you. This is Ashley my best friend. You can not be friends with me until she approves you, so the approval will be begin next week, you have a six month probation and you can only see me during the weekdays, if you want to see me during the weekends you must first receive approval from Ashley, also she might do a drug test on you, oh and the contract will be signed Monday first thing in the morning,” I explained watching him stare at me strangely before looking at Ashley who palmed her forehead as if I said something I wasn’t supposed to say, but if I remember correctly she always did this, especially when I was younger people are cruel especially pack members. I can’t count how many times they’ve tried to physically and emotionally hurt me throughout the years, so Ashley is my protector and people tend to stay away when she’s around.
“What,” he asked confused, I opened my mouth to explain again only to have Ashley cover it while giving me a look that clearly meant for me not to say anymore and that she’ll probably talk to him later.
“Oh, I got you something Blake,” I exclaimed going into my bag; he hovered over me peering into my bag. I pulled it to my chest and waggled my finger at him.
“No, it’s a surprise now turn around,” I said grinning at him, he eyed me before turning around with his eyes closed. I giggled and reached in my bag pulling out the shock collar. Ashley gasp with eyes filled with horror. I giggled again and put it on his neck. I tighten it up and locked it in place before stepping in front of him grinning. I actually liked it, it was kind of cool looking, the underneath was leather touching the skin, but the rest was silver it looked almost like a choker. It went with his outfit too which consisted of a tight black v neck and simple black jeans that hung low on his waist.
“Okay I’m finished,” I say still grinning, he smirked at me before touching his neck only to flinch away as if it burnt him.
“Angel what is this,” He asked turning around quickly and looking at himself in my locker mirror. I giggled as Ashley backed away while mumbling a quick goodbye.
“Angel,” He growled, I watched his body shake almost as if it was uncontrollable. I swallow and take a step back. His back rippled as his muscles contracted. I stumble back again. It seemed as like he was going to tear out his shirt, I could see the fabric straining against him.
“You said I could buy it,” I say nervously while nervously searching through my bag for the remote, I at least have some protection in case he decides to squish me like a bug. I can’t believe Ashley left me at my time of need, but I would probably leave me too at this point.
“Take it off,” He growled turning to me. I whimpered his eyes turned completely black. I squeaked as he came over to me in lightening speed. His strong hands slammed into the locker next to my head, it groaned and creaked in protest.
“Now,” he roared with face full of red rage despite the fact that he was very intimidating and yelling at me, I couldn’t help, but feel the strange heat pulsing between my legs. I gulped like an idiot. I’m completely turned on by this. Oh my god I’m a Masochist. I shut my eyes as the rumbled started in his chest again.
“I’m sorry,” I squeaked out, while pressing the button in panic. He screeched like a girl and fell back on his butt making me giggle as he seemed to relax and twitch on the ground. I stepped closer to him still giggling, but his eyes shot open and he glared at me.
“Angel,” I squeaked in fright and pressed the button again, he yelped as his hair stood up at the ends. I giggled before covering my mouth quickly from the look he was giving me. I swallowed before I took off down the hall with him yelling behind me to take the damn collar off. I peeked over my shoulder.
“Cursing is bad,” I said pressing the button. Zap, he fell to the ground again grumbling under his breath as I kept running as fast as my little legs would take me.
“ANGEL get back*Zap*,” He yelped, I laughed like a mad man to my first period. He won’t be able to touch me now and he said I wouldn’t be able to keep him at bay.

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