Chapter 72- Left For Dead

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Movement woke me up, I looked beside me and Daryl was getting up and getting ready to go.

"Where are you going?" I mumbled sleepily.

"Be back soon." He whispered.

I nodded and shut my eyes. I wondered where Daryl's going so early in the morning.

Then it hit me, I sat up out of the sleeping bag and basically leapt out of the tent.

Rick slammed a truck door, Daryl going in on the other side. "WAIT!" I shouted and limped towards them.

Rick started the truck up and I ran/ hobbled as fast as I could. I was at the side of the truck and I hobbled around to the front.

"Go back to your tent Mariah." Rick ordered from the drivers seat window. I shook my head and leaned against the truck.

"No way, you're not leaving without me." I yelled. Rick rubbed his face and looked at Daryl.

Daryl whispered something and I slammed my hand against the hood of the truck. "You are not getting rid of her without me!" I screamed. Daryl sighed and got out of the truck.

He walked towards me and scowled. "Get in." He growled. I smiled triumphantly and opened the door.

Daryl moved his arm in front of me and pushed me into the passenger seat.

I rolled my eyes and Daryl slid into the back seat. "Does she have headphones in?" I asked quietly.

Daryl nodded and I looked to the figure leaning against the truck door, a black bag over her head.

"Come on we don't have all day." I muttered to Rick. Rick sighed and started to drive.

We drove for about twenty minutes, turning down random roads. We found a highway and Rick drove for about an hour straight down it.

I got bored and started to play with the radio. Majority of the stations were static, I only found one emergency station. I groaned and flipped to the next channel over and heard something through the static.

"Can you turn that shit off?" Daryl yelled from the back seat.

"SHHH!" I screamed and cranked the volume.

"Sanctuary,....who........ Survi...." The staticky voice said.

"Oh my gosh." I said, as I stared at Rick.

"A voice?" Rick asked quietly as I tried to make out what the voice said. I turned it to max volume.

The radio made a bad sound and a pop went off, then silence. "Shit." I muttered as I pressed the on button and nothing happened.

"Sanctuary, who, and I think survive?" I said quietly. Daryl sighed and looked out the window.

"Rick, do you think theres a sanctuary?" I asked hopefully. Rick shook his head and focused on the road.

"It could just be a recording. Don't get your hopes up." He commented. I pouted and looked out the window.

A field to our right, surprising didn't have any walkers in it. "Let's drop her off here." I said quietly, undoing my seatbelt.

Rick frowned and looked at Daryl. "All we gotta do is get back to camp, pack up and find a new place." I said before Daryl could say something.

Daryl sighed and Rick stopped the truck. Daryl opened his door and yanked Jenny out, her arms behind her back.

Rick opened his door and I copied him. I started to hobble after Daryl and Jenny but Rick came to help me.

I smiled gratefully and threw my arm over his shoulder. We walked, well Rick, Daryl and Jenny walked, I hobbled out into the middle of the field.

Daryl removed the bag to reveal a black bandana wrapped around her eyes.

A pair of headphones cranked to full volume played in her ears. Daryl yanked them out and pulled the bandana off her head.

"Anything you want to say Jenny?" Rick asked coldly as we stared at her.

She smiled and looked at me. "I want you to remember that I will find you, and I will kill ya. No matter where you are or who your with." Jenny snarled.

I raised an eyebrow and leaned against Daryl. "I'd like to see you try." I spat.

Before she could say anything else I turned and started to hobble back to the truck.

"You're a dead women ya hear?!" Jenny screamed at me. I shrugged her off and continued to hobble.

I reached the truck after a bit and crawled into the back seat. I looked out the window to see Rick walking towards me, Daryl tossed a knife on the ground a few meters beside Jenny and jogged back to the truck.

Rick started up the truck and Daryl quickly hopped in. "Go" He mumbled, looking out the window.

"Why are we going so fast?" I asked quickly. A bullet smashed through my window and went through to Rick's window.

"Drive!" I screamed and Rick stomped down on the accelerator.

"A bullet banged off of the side of the truck and I quickly checked behind us.

She had undid her bindings in a matter of minutes. Jenny held my gun that Jason and Tayler made me take. She shot at us, she wasn't bad but she needed more work.

After a minute I sighed from relief and looked down at my leg. "Where are we going to go now?" I asked Rick quietly.

"Somewhere safe."

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