Chapter Three- The Losing Hand.

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Chapter Three

We had polished off nearly the entire pizza and had quickly made it through the beer Liam had brought and another pack he’d gone and grabbed from his apartment halfway through an intense game of Jenga. Cassie sad herself between Harry and Liam on the couch and had been casually brushing their arms and legs with her had while she busts into fits of laughter all night. Rory had pulled up a chair to the table, and Zayn and I had been the last two into the room, sitting on a couple of pillows on the floor.

            “You know what,” Harry looked around. “I’m pretty certain your flat looks a bit bigger than ours.”

            Cassie nudged his shoulder with her own and scoffed, in fake disbelief. “Oh, please!” she forced a laugh.

            “It’s probably because it’s so empty.” I waited until I had pulled out my piece carefully to talk. I turned to Rory. “Your turn.”

            She analyzed the tower trying to decide which piece to pull, and Liam stood up, clutching his empty beer bottle. “Anyone fancy another?”

            Harry and Rory raised their hands and Cassie stood up. “I’ll come with you. I could use another one.” She followed him off into the kitchen.

            The game was set up in the centre of the coffee table- Harry and I were across from each other, and it was right in the middle. Rory pulled her piece smoothly, and Zayn took his turn. I glanced up at the tower and noticed Harry seemed to be looking back in m direction. He’s just playing the game. He’s not looking at you. I turned my attention to something in another direction. The empty pizza box sitting in the corner where I’d left it. I let my gaze drift back toward the game, waiting for Cass and Liam to come back but he still seemed to be staring, his green eyes questioning me. A loud bang came from the kitchen- like a pot hitting the ceramic floor.

            “While those two are busy, how about a grand tour?” Harry clapped his hands together.

            “We live in the same building, mate.” Zayn joked, from beside me. Harry shot him a look, and he cleared his throat. “Actually, I think a time-out is in order. I’ve got to use the washroom.”

            Rory stood up. “Oh, perfect. It’s dinner time at home, I think I’m going to give Paul a call, let him know we got here on time.” She disappeared into her room. I made a mental note to myself to remind her later on tonight that I think she should end things with Paul and stood up myself. Zayn had already made his way to the bathroom, and just Harry and I were left standing in the living room.

            “So, this is the living room- of course.” I pointed toward the boxes along the wall. “We’ve still got some unpacking to do.”

            “Right,” he half-smiled. “Of course.”

            “Now, for the real excitement, follow me this way.” I smiled, feeling a little bit braver than normal after that third beer, and walked to my bedroom.

            He had followed close behind, and was standing in the doorway now, his hands tucked into the pockets of his jeans, rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet.

             “This is my room. I’m going to paint the walls this week, and maybe get a nice rug.”

            He walked further into the room. “Nice desk, you’ve got.”

            I thought of Liam and what kind of trouble Cass might be getting into in the kitchen at this moment

            My small room seemed even smaller with two people in it. I looked over toward the window and as distracted for a minute by a woman walking very slowly down the sidewalk. When I looked over, Harry was standing a few steps closer, and I smiled.

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