Chapter Twenty-Four

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         She basked in the warm light that prowled through opened curtains, her body reveled in the warmness it brought, soothing her aching muscles. Her eyelids were closed, head tilted back. She breathed in deeply, absorbing all the fresh air she could gather from the cracked open window.

           This calm her some, but not enough. The effects hadn't been immediate, nor were they effective after that week she had been in a coma. It taunted her now. Before she had felt some emotions tingling into her, but now it was on full blast. As if it was egging on her anger that slowly rose to grasp the opportunity she knew would soon arise.

           Despair and yearning had woken her. It weighed on her like an anchor had been placed on her chest. She had struggled to get out of bed, stumbling to see the light, the glorious sunlight that would chase away the darkness and feeling. But it gave her solace, it only drove away the darkness, which was something that she could actually handle.

            Yearning was a whole different playing field. Uncharted territory. The unknown. One thing she did know, it sure as hell wasn't her feeling that foreign...thing.

          It soured her mouth, made her insides squeeze tightly in protest. Her gums ached as her incisors tried to force their way out, and they did, painstakingly. Her psychical being called out to the yearning but her mind overruled all, prevailing as ruler, putting an immediate stop to any ecstasy she would have gained from her situation. The raw anger burned it out of her system.

It wasn't long before the sunshine faded away and heavy dark clouds took its place. Her grip on the windowsill nearly cracked it, her mood taking an even worse turn than before. Gunmetal grey eyes slowly lighten until they were shining an offset silver, a frightening sight to see to any passing pedestrian.

The dark thought pounded down on her mental barriers, crushing her resolve to subdue her anger. She was fighting a down hill battle, it would consume her slowly until she had nothing left to give. And then it would start all over again, something always sets her off enough that she will forget herself.

      As much as she tried to ignore it, she couldn't stop the sound of shuffling feet from reaching her ears. It was as if someone was pacing outside of door, a constant patter of feet on the floors. Her left eye twitched every time a light squeak came from the sharp turn of the pacing footsteps. Lym's senses were all over thge place, causing her to become antsy.

Her previous blissful state was no more, she was scolding herself for being so foolish as to wander into the room, even though it was for her, she felt out of place, she knew she didn't belong in a castle. She was not, by any means, a damsel in distress. If anything , she was the dragon, coiled up tightly, ready to pounce. Her days spent on the castle grounds had changed her, clouded her mind.

It would not be long now before her sanity started to give way to a more malicious side, a part of her that gets locked up tightly, only to be let out once every year. Her mind was a fragile thing, one wrong move and every one would be done for, one left turn and you'd be drug down to sin city with her. No one was safe when the creature inside of her came out to play, no even herself.

But the time of year that the beast comes out to play has long passed, leaving an agitated monster behind. No matter how hard she tries, the beast inside will find a way to present itself, through blood and tears, through thick and thin.

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