Chapter 43-- Party?

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(Ari's POV)
Aunt D had been here for 3 days now and we are getting along good. Some times I overstep the boundaries. She can be very intimidating sometimes but other times she surprises you. Yesterday is a good example-------
I just came back from school and I found out that I failed two test. Thankful Lana and Fred won't find out because I will get my grades up before they see. I was eating my snack of graham crackers and peanut butter when my friend Ashley text--
Ash- sup hoe ✌🏼️ want to come and hang out maybe check out the cool party that Kenny is throwing tonight. A- I can't my Aunt is here while my parents are gone and my mom would kill me if she found out that went to a party. Sound fun tho ✌🏼️✌🏼
Ash- what the fuck. You ARNT 10! You don't need a baby sitter! Just sneak out or ask if you can spend the night at my house. My parents are gone to do they won't mind.
A- I'll let you know. Dena is coming up. By bitch😘
Ash- right back at you boo😘 good luck!

"Ari how is your home work coming along?" I hear D say. "Going great D!" I say in my innocent voice. My plan is if I butter her up then she will let me go. Just make some excuses olé I'm helping her with school or we have a project. We head downstairs and make some tea. After taking to her for a bit she relaxes a lot more and this is the perfect time to ask her. I think of what to say. "Hey auntie can I sank you something" I say with my cutest voice. "What's up babe" she said as she takes a sip of tea. "Well my friend Ashley is really struggling in math and she ask me to spend the night and help her study for the large unit test that is tomorrow. I love being around you and doing things with you and if you don't want me to go I will understand, but I'm Ashley's last resort when it comes to passing." I say with puppy eyes. I look at her and I see a big smile cross her face. "Of course Ari. You are so sweet to help you friends like that. And  I'm going to be here for a week or more so you will see plenty of me. Just text me when I should pick you up tomorrow" she said. "Really!! Thank you so much!' I love you!!!" I almost jump out of my seat. This plan is a-go!!
I quickly pack (party clothes) kiss her on the cheek and head out. This is going to be so much fun!

Ashley and I get ready, watch Netflix, and head out. The  drive over was so much fun. She drove  her parents nicest car and parked across the street. There was so much going on. Kenny has a huge pool so there were so many people in it. There was loud music and so much food and drinks. It was just like the movies. This was my first party so I was a bit wide eyed. There were so many hot guys from our school. And through out the night things got crazier. Around 10:30 pm my phone was ringing. I looked down and it was Lana. I run as fast as I can outside then I answer. "Hey mama how are you" I say out of breath. "Hey babe, are you ok, you sound a bit out of breath." I run a bit farther away so the noise isn't as loud. "Oh don't worry I just tried to get to my phone in time" I say with my breathing under control. "How is it going, have you need good?" Lana asked. "Of course, I'm on my best behavior" I said "good because I might have a surprise for you when I get back. Only if I hear about what an angle you have been." She said with a giggle. "Well I Better go, you father is taking me on a surprise Dinner! Love you" she said as she makes a kissing sound. "Love you to" I reply. I hang up and run back.
"Where were you? I though you got taken upstairs" Ashly said alittle drunk. "No it was my mom" I say as I take a drink.
It was about 4am and we are back at Ashley's.

Well I went to my first party and mom will not know about it.


Wow thank you all for reading this story. I know I haven't been as diligent with updating AND IM SO SORRY about that. I have a lot of test and finals. So please be patient:) I'll try my best to update more and regularly!!  How is the story so far?? I know that there are typos and sorry about that. But stick with it! This story is going to have some big plot twist. 🙈.


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