Chapter 52...

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1 more day, till the wedding and Nate still wasn't back. I was already worried last week and now I'm freaking out. The stress is showing on me, I've been hardly eating causing me to drop kilos by the day.
The bags under my eyes getting darker, and my skittish nature getting out of hand.

Harry and perrie both tell me not to stress but they wouldn't know the way I feel about this, they don't have a brother none of them do.

They didn't have a best friend that got killed in the same room as me, they didn't have to deal with that killer every day. they don't have a father, that wants to sell your body for money, for his own benefit.

Harry was now with the boys having there bachelor night. As they always do. But they get to call it something is time. It's just another excuse to get wasted and be danced on by some bitch that gets paid.
I don't get to see Harry till I'm in the white dress walking down the isle. And by then it would be to late to run, cause I would be called styles.

I'm staying home with perrie and aria, eating a load of food, well they are. While watching some sappy old movies. I'm almost positive perrie will be telling me to go to sleep at 8.
She's been non stop on my case the past few days, which doesn't help my stress one bit.

I'm now sitting in the middle of the two girls, watching The notebook. Probably the most sappiest of sappy movies.
Perrie and aria were both pigging out on ice cream while I eat Oreos, just one at a time, trying to make out that I've eaten a lot.


" GO TO BED PAYTON STYLES" perrie screams at me shoving me towards the stairs. I giggle running away from her.

" it's only nine o'clock perrie." I groan when she catches me shoving me up the stairs towards the bedroom.
She giggles at me when I walk to the room by myself, herself following after me.

" here call your husband will you" she says throwing her phone on the bed, and closes the door after her.

I smile turning the light off and snuggling under the covers, the phone in my hands dialling Harry's number.

After the third ring he answers, his voice sounding surprisingly sober.

" perrie told me to go to bed, so I'm calling you before I go to sleep" I laugh at the sentence, it sounds stupid. A friend who's pregnant is practically treating me like there own child.
Harry chuckles over the phone, his voice spreading goosebumps over my skin.

" it's only nine" he stiffens the laugh.

" I know that" I reply now laying on my back. He chuckles again.

" well do as your told, my bride" he chuckles over the phone which I also do. Saying goodnight and hanging up.


I'm woken up by someone shoving at my chest. I groan sitting up and slowly opening my eyes finding both aria and perrie smiling at me. Fully dressed in clothes.

" come on" perrie groans practically shoving me off the bed, letting me tumble to the ground. She mutters out a sorry as she laughs.

I sigh and stand to my feet.

" make up time" she squeals pulling me to the bathroom down the hall, seating me on the toilet.

" I hate this" I mumble closing my eyes again.


Three hours later my hair and make up we're finally done. Both perrie and aria were dressed and looking incredibly beautiful.

" are you ready?" Perrie asks texting on her phone. I nod looking as aria walks in with my dress. She takes it out of the packaging, admiring it as she does.

I stand to my feet only wearing my bra and undies. Perrie helps aria with the dress, I step into the middle and let the two move it up my body, buttoning the back so the fabric hugs to my body.

" holy shit you look amazing" perrie gapes getting full view, I smile at her steeping foot into my shoes.
Making me as tall as perrie.

Perrie holds out her arm, which I link mine with smiling as we all walk down the stairs to the door.

Aria opens the door, I almost fall over myself finding Nate. Bruises showing on his face. He looks me up and down, his eyes shining as he smiles at me.

" you think I'm missing my baby sisters wedding" he grins, also taking my arm. I quickly wrap my arms around his neck squeezing him.

" I have some bad news, but ill tell you after the wedding" he whispers in my neck. I nod not really caring, Nates safe. And coming to my wedding. " ready to get married" he chuckles letting me go, I nod grabbing hold of his hand. Just incase.


The five minute drive honestly felt like it took forever. We were finally at the garden, the isle covered by a large hedge of white and purple roses.
I walk letting aria and perrie hold the back of my dress. One of my hands laced with Nates and the other holding a bouquet of beautiful flowers.

This is the day.

The day that Harry finally takes what was mine and replaces it with his own. The day I call myself Payton Isa-Belle Styles.


Updating tomorrow :) xxx
Hope you all like!


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