part one; orchids.

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   This is dedicated to Levi (socialrecall) because he is a literal ray of sunshine.

youth - troye sivan

   The wind ruffled through his hair. The soft hum of bees and the sound of leaves crunching under his feet filled the air. Rays of light yellow sun shone on his cheeks, creating a faint shimmer. He hummed a ditzy tune. And this moment was picture perfect.
A lock of dark hair fell in front of his eyes. As he gingerly moved it, a bee buzzed around his head. His eyes lit up and he laughed a little.
   "Hey there, little guy," he whispered and held out his hand, "I'm Levi." The bee carefully landed in his palm.
He laid back onto the soft grass of the forest floor. The clouds formed shapes, but some were hidden by the long branches of oak trees.
   If anyone else were there, they would be able to see the faint freckles dancing on his cheeks. They would be able to see the sparkle in his warm eyes. They would be able to feel the light radiating from him.
   But he was alone.
   He resumed his humming when the bee buzzed away. There was no specific pattern or rhythm, but the sound was lovely nevertheless. He seemed to be soothing the forest to peace. His sweet lullaby calmed the atmosphere. Absolute serenity fell over his surroundings.
   For anyone else, this would be strange. But for him, it's nothing less than ordinary. Things like this came naturally to him. He was about as special as one can be. Nature seemed to be in love with him. But he felt at least twice that. After all, it's all he has ever known.
   The whole forest watched as he sat up dreamily. He sighed and adjusted his crown. The light purple orchids were woven together stem to stem. It's funny. He's had the crown for as long as anyone could remember. And the flowers still have never wilted.
   The flowers have never wilted.
But that's him. He has a way with nature. Always has. The forest took care of him. Maybe that's what happens when you are raised on nothing more than wind and trees.
    Maybe that's what happens when you're the flower prince.

Levi the Flower PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now