Chapter 27

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Chapter 27


I held my darling daughter in my arms as Cris rested. The only time I had let her go was when they had to clean her. We still haven't come up with a name but I like the name Jasmine. I heard a slight groan and looked over at Cris to see she was waking up.

"Harry?" she whispered opening her eyes and sitting up. When she saw us she smiled and held out her arms. I got up and went over to her and handed her our baby. She looked down at her with a small smile and she let out a breathy chuckle. "She looks just like you Harry." she whispered.

"We still have to name her you know." I said. Then our baby woke up but she wasn't crying. Instead she was smiling and even giggling.

"I know. Do you have any ideas?"

"Well I like the name Jasmine." When I said the name she giggled louder reaching her little hands out to us.

"Well I like Eliza. Jasmine Eliza Styles. Hmm. I like it. What about you little one? Do you like that?" Cris said letting her wrap her hand around her finger. I let our pup wrap her hand around my own finger and she squeezed slightly.

"I guess that's a yes." I chuckled.

"Alright then. Jasmine Eliza Styles." Cris whispered. She smiled softly and kissed Jordan's forehead. "Welcome to the world."


A few hours later we were able to go home with Jasmine. When we got home we were surrounded by the lads and their mates saying congratulations. "Thanks." We both said at the same time.

"So..... What's her name?!" the girls squealed.

"Jasmine Eliza Styles" Cris said holding our pup.

"Congrats man." Zayn said clapping me on the back.

"Thanks man." I replied.

We stayed and talked for a few more minutes before Jasmine yawned. Cris and I said our goodbyes and went to our room. I had someone come up and put a crib in our room until we got a nursery room. Cris was humming a lullaby to Jasmine and smiling softly as she bounced her in her arms. I smiled at the sight and went over to the crib. There were already blankets so I just fixed the pillows. Cris came over quietly and gently placed Jasmine in the crib and kissed her forehead softly.

"Good night Jasmine. Sleep tight sweetheart." she whispered.

I leaned down and kissed Jasmine's forehead and whispered goodnight.

"Come on Harry. Let's get some sleep." She said taking my hand and leading me to the bed. I helped her undress and helped her into her pjs which consisted of one of my t-shirts and a pair of my boxers. Then I stripped down to my boxers and we both laid in the bed cuddling.

"I love you Cris." I whispered.

"I love you Harry." she whispered back. Sleep soon over took my senses and I drifted off to sleep with my love, my mate, the mother of my child in my arms.


I woke up with the sun in my face and alone. I rolled over and saw Cris laying passed out on the floor. I'm awake now. My eyes flew all the way open and I tried to move before I found it hard to move. I put all my effort into getting ot my mate and I managed to get to her. I collected into my arms and her eyes fluttered open.

I sighed in relief. She seemed to be confused for a few moments before her eyes widened. "Harry. Where's Jazzy?" she whispered shakily. My eyes widened and my head snapped to the crib where Jazzy was supposed to be fast asleep. I put Cris down quickly but softly and rushed to the crib.

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