#71 - Ross Lynch

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The tide rode in about 5m on a mild day. Whilst 3 of those 5m were continuously wet anyway, the remaining two were made of soft, grey-ish sand. The rest of the beach was a combination of said sand and pebbles either as small as my fingernail or the size of my left buttcheek.

I sat on one of the large rocks, listening to the waves crashing into the cliffs over on the far left of the beach. My eyes lowered from the sunrise to my tea, and I took a sip.
It was 5:45am, and I watched as a van pulled up to the boardwalk. Five guys, dressed in wetsuits stepped out, and one girl in a beach dressed followed behind.

They prepared their boards and warmed up a few metres from me, but were soon on their way towards the ocean. The remaining girl watched them go for a second, then looked the beach for somebody else. Her eyes landed upon me, and she walked over. "May I sit?"

"Of course," I smiled, and she perched on a rock beside mine, sighing. "Are you all related?"

"Yes- except the one screaming over there," she giggled, her cheeks reddening. "That's my boyfriend."

"That is a big family."

"Yeah. It can be annoying, seen as I'm the only girl but I love them all." She nodded. "Do you have any siblings?"

"I have twin brothers, Charlie and Chase. Charlie's a pain, Chase is lovely."

"Wow! I wish we had twins, but then again, my brothers Riker and Ross are almost the splitting image of each other." She stretched her hand out in my direction. "I'm Rydel."

"Jade." I answered back.

She prepared herself to speak but was cut short by her brother jogging up to us. "Done already?"

"Kind of, I had to take a break. It's freezing in there!" The brunette jumped around. He then finally noticed me. "Hello."


"Rocky meet Jade. Jade meet Rocky."

"Nice to meet you, but why are you up so early, Jade?" He asked.

"The sunrises here are to die for." I smiled, and as I turned to look ahead, a shadow was cast over me.

Another one of her brothers appeared, this time a blonde one. He barely acknowledged me. "Can I have the keys to the van?"

"Here," Rydel tossed the keys at his chest and he dropped his surfboard, pacing in the direction of the van. "He's always so grumpy lately."

"It's the whole Courtney situation." Rocky sat down. "His long term girlfriend left to Australia without warning him until the day she left. Ever since then he's gone mad, trying to reach her."

"How long ago was this?"

"Five months," Rydel sighed. "I wish he could move on."

All talk died down the moment he returned, sitting to me so close that our knees were touching. He smelled like the ocean, fresh and salty but just the small contact we were making allowed me to feel the heat radiating from him.

"Sorry I left without introducing myself," he looked to me. "I'm Ross."

"Like your eyes."

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Rydel and Rocky exchange a glance.

"Handshakes are overrated." He muttered then smiled. I also grinned.

As time passed, the others returned from the water; Riker, Ryland & Ellington. Slowly, ice cream vans and the beach cafe began to open. By 8am, the beach was fully operating, and the cold breeze had evaporated away, replaced by a blanket of heat.

I checked my watch, then stood. "I have to go, I have some stuff to do today."

"Will you be back later? We'll be here the whole day." Rydel spoke.

"Possibly, like late afternoon." I shrugged.

"Our house is just there, the one with the blue door." Rocky pointed to the houses opposite the beach. I nodded, taking a mental note. "Actually, we're having a party tonight, come over!"

"Can I walk you home?" Ross offered, standing seconds after he slid his Vans on.

"If you'd like." I shrugged, then waved at the other guys behind. "I'll see you guys later tonight!"

They all cheered a number of goodbyes as we walked away. Ross walked a few steps behind, but caught up eventually when we crossed the road from the boardwalk. "Are you from here; like, do you live here?"

"I wish. We live in Pasadena. How about you guys?"

"Wow, is it nice?"

"Usually yeah, but the people can suck, like a lot." He sighed. "You're lovely, by the way."

"Thank you, you're very kind too." I bumped his shoulder and he laughed.

"You say that now, but I'm a twat." He said.

"Well, you'll just have to prove me wrong." I smirked and he shook his head, a smile tugging at his lips.

"Tell me about yourself, Jade. You're a closed book to me."

"I'm afraid that will be for a different day, sir."

"Why's that?"

"We're at my house." I chuckled. "See you tonight?"

"Definitely. Be there for 7, because we're on at 8." He said.


As he spoke, the door swung open. "Thank god you're finally here. Who's this?"

"This is Ross, a new friend. Ross, meet Mom." I entered the house. "See you later!"

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