All hell breaks loose.

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A/n: ooooiii look at this cute fan art cover... So precious. Big thanks to @sagethemagpie  so cute ily. Also tried to make this a little longer :)

Ashila's P.o.v

When I told Mason that I had to go to class sooner or later I lied. I went to the bathrooms, both girls and boys, and wrote #chaseisadick in every stall. And let me tell you right now the boys bathroom absolutely reeks. Do I regret going in there though? Not one bit. It was a blast and I'd do it all again in a heartbeat.

"Open up!" Morgan yelled from behind my door. I had woken up a little while ago... and when I say a little while ago I mean I had gone to bed at twelve and then woken up at one in the fucking morning and was not able to get back to sleep. So, I showered and dressed in my uniform then lied back in bed.

"What's the password?" I yelled back sitting up a little.

"What?" She asked with confusion threaded through her voice.

"Nope." I yelled plopping my head back down onto the comfy pillow.

"Open this door!" Ameia also yelled from behind my door.

"Not even close." I replied closing my eyes.

"Come on! Early bird gets the worm!" Morgan shouted.

"The early bird can have the worm because worms are gross and mornings suck!" I sat up and shouted back. Fuck that I'm still tired.

"If you get up now, we get to get the good stuff for breakfast." She persuaded. I was quiet for a while until I let out a short and quick answer.

"Fine." I got up and opened the door to see Morgan, Ameia, Eli, Tyler and Rylan all standing out in the hallway.

"What is this? A fucking circus?" I asked after almost a full thirty seconds of them staring at me.

"I'd say I look forward to today but I can't because i'd be lying." Tyler said after looking away.

"Why's that?" Eli asked as we began to walk down the hallway.

"Ash looks like death and when Ash looks like death it means she's going to make our lives feel like death." He explained to which I snickered. It was true.

"Drama queen." Ameia said but still screwed up her nose at my appearance; black eyes and a mess of hair most likely.

"He's right though. She does look like death. How'd you sleep last night?" Morgan asked.

"I didn't." I simply answered. Sleeping one hour was like sleeping zero.

"Are you having those nightmares again?" She asked looking at me intently.

"You have nightmares?" Rylan raised a brow looking over his shoulder to me.

"I'll be fine. Just a little edgy today." I answered.

"How long?" Morgan asked sternly.

"How long what?" I asked like I had no idea what she was talking about.

"Don't bullshit me Ash. How long have you been having them again?" She asked again with more force.

"They never stopped." I smiled.

"I feel as through something bad will happen today." Morgan whispers looking forward looking concerned at my previous confession. It was true. The nightmares never stopped. I just stopped sleeping. But eventually I'd grow tired and loose my grasp on reality and fall into a deep sleep. A deep sleep that included the monsters and nightmares roaming in my mind.

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