Title: Werewolves

311 17 7

Hambone: yo guys what if I were a werewolf

Baguetteman: are you a werewolf

Hambone: no but like,,,

Hambone: what would be different

Zerotohero: you'd be really furry

                  Turtleman: it'd be almost impossible to get a job due to the stigma surrounding werewolves

Baguetteman: werewolf rights!!!

Hambone: wooo!!! I'm gonna write an essay on it then throw it at Snep

Baguetteman: why specifically snape

Zerotohero: dude has a thing against werewolves once he found a first years copy of twilight and he burned it

Zerotohero: of course it might just be he knows its horrible literature but

Zerotohero: i'd go with the werewolf thing

Texting While Flying: A Hamilton AU textficWhere stories live. Discover now