Chapter 15

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It's been over a month since we brought the kids home and management just found about them. We've been ordered to bring the children in. Management is pissed.
Jack's gotten really close with Connor and Lily with Brad. Ivy's gotten more comfortable with all of us but she isn't particularly close with any of us like her siblings are.
Kersta and Mae adore babysitting when we have a concert or an interview.
"Brady where we go?" Lily asks leaning her head on Brad's arm.
"We're going to see some people that Trissy, Jamie, Connie, and I know." He replies.
"Oh. Okey-dokey​." She says closing her eyes. Right now we're in one of those​ vans with three seats across. James is in the front with the driver. Brad and I are in the middle with Lily between us. Connor and Ivy are in the back with Jackson between them.
When we get to the building I'm relieved to see there's no fans or paparazzi waiting for us. Connor carries Jack and Lil insists on Brad carrying her even though she's perfectly able to walk on her own. Ivy walks between James and I.
As expected management was furious. They told us that we couldn't keep the kids. Lily started crying.
"There's no reason we can't. We have the room and the money." Brad says trying to calm Lily.
"And plenty of love." Connor adds.
"Yeah love too." Brad says. James and I both nod in agreement.
Management start to argue and their voices rise. Soon their yelling. Jacky starts screaming and Ivy tries to hide behind James and I.
"Enough." James says smacking his hand down on the desk. Surprised they shut up. "You're scaring them, they're just children. We're going to take care of them and there's nothing you can do to stop it." They don't respond because they know what he says is true. They can't do anything.
We get ready to leave but Brad says he need a minute and hands me Lily. James and I walk out the door and see Connor already waiting. He give us an odd look when he sees Brad isn't with us.
"Where's Brad?" He asks as I walk over with the girls.
"He said he needed to talk to management." I tell him shrugging.
"Down please." Lily says and I oblige setting her between her sister and Connor.
All of a sudden we hear yelling coming from the office. Connor looks at me worried. A couple minutes later Brad comes out of the office looking pleased. He stops and starts talking to James. I walk over and they stop talking but I hear a little bit.
"They weren't very happy about it but I made them see my way." Brad tells him.
"So they said yes to both?" James asks.
"Not willing but yeah." Brad says.
"What was that all about?" I ask. Brad hesitates before answering.
"I'm going to try to adopt the kids." He tells me with a small smile.
"That's great but I think you should ask Ivy's permission first." I tell him with a chuckle.
"Ask Ivy's permission for what." She asks walking up next to me.
"How would you feel if I adopted you and your brother and sister?" Brad asks her.
"Like you'll be our father?" She asks and Brad nods. "Okay. I think that would be okay."
"Okay now don't tell anyone. I want it to be a surprise." Brad says looking at her but I can tell he's talking to me too.
"Why are we lolly gagging?" Connor asks walking up to us.
"Up Brady up." Lily says running up to Brad. He picks her up before turning to Connor.
"Sorry babe lets go." He says kissing Con's cheek. Connor blushes before turning to the door. I glance at James but quickly look away when I realize he's staring at me.
I passed my drivers permit test today. My parents didn't think I
Nobody responded last time so I'm gonna ask again. Does anyone want me to do a character ask?

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