Calm Morning

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I woke up with arms wrapped around my waist. I turn to face Scott and smile when I notice that he's still asleep. It was only four in the morning, plenty more time for sleep, especially on a Saturday.

"Go back to sleep," Scott grumbled.

I laugh and say "I will."

He kisses my cheek and rubs our noses together. "Love you."

"Love you too." I bury my face into his bare chest and his arms tighten around me. "Night."

"Night," he said with a chuckle. "Sweet dreams beautiful."


When I woke up, it was nine and Scott was nowhere to be found. I was hugging a pillow. I sit up against the headboard and stretch. Scott came in with a tray of food.

"Morning sleepyhead," he said. "You sleep ok?"

"Yeah. I was cuddling a pillow when I woke up though."

"Sorry about that. I didn't want to wake you and you were holding me pretty tight so I replaced me with the pillow and you were fine. Hurts that I can be so easily replaced."

I sit up on my knees and kiss him. "Nothing and no one can replace you."

Scott puts out Mr. Bear from under my bed. "Not even Mr. Bear?"

"Scott, put him down."

Scott holds him out of my reach. "Not until you say you love me more than him."

"Nope, I can't. Mr. Bear has been with me through every cold, every fever, every tear, and he even came to my first day of school with me. We have too much history."

"Tell me that you love me more."

"Nope. He's the only thing that can replace you."

"I don't believe that. So if you had to choose between me or the bear, you'd choose the stuffed animal?"

"He is not a stuffed animal. He's family."

Scott laughs and says "And what am I?"

"You're my boyfriend." 

"But not family?"

I kiss his cheek and say "Not yet." I take Mr. Bear away from him. "But if you hold Mr. Bear hostage again, you'll never be."

He laughs and says "Fine, your bear is safe." He starts to tickle me and I fall back against the bed laughing. "You on the other hand are in so much trouble."

Mr. Bear fell to the floor and Scott only stopped tickling me when Lydia stormed in. 

"Will you two be quiet?! I am trying to get my nine hours of beauty sleep. I can't do that with Allison laughing."

Scott stands and says "Oh come on Lyds, its not like you need it." Lydia smiles and Scott shrugs. "I have a beautiful best friend and a gorgeous girlfriend. I'm so lucky. Two out of three of my favorite girls with me right now."

Lydia then says "Who's your favorite?"

He walks in front of me and leans in to kiss me, but stops and says "My mom."

Lydia laughs and says "Mama's boy."

"And proud of it," he says. 

Lydia sits on my bed and ends up starting to eat the breakfast Scott made me. "Mhmm, this is delicious. I was starving."

I laugh and say "Save me some."

Scott kisses me and says "I'll make you more."

Kate walks in and says "Morning you three. How's everything going? Who made breakfast?"

"Scott," Lydia and I said.

Kate smiles and says "How about making for the rest of us and we'll all eat in the dining room."

He shrugs and says "I don't mind. I'll go start." He kisses my forehead and high fives Lydia before leaving. 

Kate walks toward us and sits in my computer chair. "So, you two are getting real cozy."

Lydia smiles and says "We're practically sisters. Its great. I've always wanted a sister."

"Not you two. Them two. Scott and Allison." Kate leans forward and smirks. "Is there something you wanna tell your dear Aunt Kate?"

I bite my bottom lip with a nervous smile. "I might no longer be a virgin."

Kate jumps up and tackles me in a hug. "My little niece is all grown up." She turns to Lydia. "What about you adoptive niece?"

"Stiles and I did the deed a little while before them." 

Kate pulls us both into a bone crushing hug. After a little while, we all went downstairs to see that Scott had set the table and everything. My mom was in the kitchen with him and my dad. Dad walked out first with a laugh. Mom followed after with a bowl of scrambled eggs as Scott carried a tray of bacon. 

"Morning sweetheart." My dad says from his seat at the head of the table. He purses his lips together into a knowing smile. "I asked Scott how sleeping on the floor was and he said it was pretty comfortable. I find that very hard to believe. Especially since when Kate said she saw him laying next to you before she went to bed at two."

I blush and Scott looked like he expected my dad to point a gun at him. My dad didn't take his hands away from the table so I figured it was safe. 

"Its fine this time, but the next time he doesn't want to sleep on the floor, we can set up the other guest room for him."

Scott then says "Thank you Mr. Argent. I'll remember that for next time."

Mom then says "You're welcome over anytime Scott."

"I like the sound of that. My boyfriend being allowed to visit anytime is like a dream come true."

Scott kisses my cheek and says "I love you."

Dad chokes on his orange juice and mom was gently patting his back. "Love. Thats...thats a big word. Are you sure you two are ready for that word?"

Kate rolls her eyes and says "Oh Chris, they love each other. Allison was bound to fall in love sooner or later. At least its with a boy that you approve of. Could be worse. She could of fallen for a college drop out who's covered from head to toe in tattoos and is called Skully or Bones."

I laugh at how ridiculous Kate was but the look of unhappiness on my parents faces made it so much better. Scott took my hand under the table and I look at him with the biggest smile. I'm so lucky to have met him and fallen for him. 

"I love you," I say before kissing him quickly.

Scott smiles and says "More than Mr. Bear?"

"Yeah, but lets keep that between us. I wanna let him down easy."

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