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Okay, I have no idea how how to get out of here. I started walking in the opposite direction, hoping to get somewhere near the entrance. I had given up on finding the exit.

"Hey baby," I heard a deep voice of a man say. I turned around to see some guy, about in his twenties, with tan skin, and black hair. He had a creepy smirk on his face, which scared me,"Um.... hi," I muttered, taking a step back.

"Oh, come on, don't be scared of me," He said,"I would NEVER hurt you."

I felt my hands starting to shake. He put his hands around my waist, and leaned in. I screamed at the top of my lungs,"NIALL!"

He looked taken back, but started leaning in again. I tried to push him away, but he was too strong. He almost reached my lips, when I slapped him across the face. His face turned angry,"What do you think you're doing?!"

"Don't touch me!" I growled. He hit me across the face, and leaned in again.

"Get your hands off of her!" It was Harry. I saw the guy look up, and Harry punched him straight in the face. He stumbled back, clutching his bleeding nose. Harry pulled me back. The guy tried to hit Harry, but Harry punched him in the stomach, and caused him to fall to the ground. Harry turned back to me,"Are you okay?"

I tried to nod, but only tears came out. Harry hugged me, and led me out of the garden, while I was clutching him, crying. We reached the entrance, and saw Rachel and Liam.

"What happened?!" Liam asked, frantically, after seeing me sobbing, and holding onto Harry.

"I'll tell you later," Harry answered.

"I'll call Niall and the others," Rachel said, walking away. Harry examined my face,"Your cheek is bruised."

I let go of Harry,"Yeah, well, he hit me. I slapped him, because he tried to kiss me."

"Who hit you?!" Liam exclaimed.

"I don't know who he was," I answered.

"How could he do that!" Liam yelled,"I ought to go-"

"Liam, it's fine, Harry knocked him out," I interrupted. Liam calmed down,"Okay. I'll call the resort to explain what happened."

Liam walked away. It was just me and Harry.

"Thank you, Harry," I said, and hugged him. He wrapped his arms around me. Suddenly, Niall came running in. I let go of Harry. Niall ran up to me, and threw his arms around me,"I'm so glad you're okay. You're okay, right?"

"Somewhat, he hit me," I explained. Niall's face turned, horrified,"Who hit you?!"

"This one guy tried to kiss me. I yelled for you, and I slapped him. He hit me, across the face. But, it's okay, Harry came before he could kiss me. Harry knocked him out. It's fine Niall." I explained. Niall's face relaxed, but he was still angry,"I can't believe someone did that to you! Harry, could you stay here and make sure he doesn't wake up?"

Harry nodded, so Niall continued,"I'm going to take Nicole back to our room."

Niall wrapped his arm around me, protectively, and walked back to our room. We took the elevator up, his arm still protectively around my waist. We walked into our room, and Niall still had his arm around me.

"Niall, I need to go change," I said. Niall nodded,"Okay."

He didn't budge.

"That means you need to let go," I said.

"Oh!" Niall exclaimed. He removed his arm from my waist,"Sorry."

I walked into my room, and closed the door behind me. I grabbed a new outfit. I walked into the bathroom, and locked the door behind me. I slipped off my dress and swimsuit. I took a long shower, and put on my shirt, shorts, and sandals. I combed out my hair. I put on some jewelry and makeup polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=65489339. I walked back out to Niall. I saw Niall sitting on the couch, watching TV. He smiled, and motioned for me to sit beside him. I walked over, and sat beside him. He put his arm around my shoulder as soon as I sat down. I watched TV with him, not bothering to start conversation. Suddenly, Louis burst in,"OH MY GOD MY LITTLE GIRL WAS VANDALIZED!"

"Vandalized?" I asked, confused by Louis's choice of words. Louis pulled me away from Niall's grasp and pulled me into a hug, that was making me lose circulation.

"Louis..... let..... go," I said. Niall pulled Louis off of me. Then, Marie and Eleanor burst in.

"THANK GOD YOU'RE OKAY!" Marie pulled me into a hug, with Eleanor laughing behind her. While, Marie had her freak out, Zayn, Liam, Rachel, and Harry walked in. I saw Niall stare at Harry.

"The manager took care of you-know- who," Liam announced. I nodded, and sat back on the couch. Niall sat behind me, and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I glanced at him, and saw his eyes locked with Harry. Niall seemed awfully over- protective.

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