Chapter Six- First Kisses and Invitations.

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Chapter 6

He was holding his hands together in his lap. “Not really, no.”

‘Not really’ wasn’t really helping my figure out what had happened. I trusted Cass, but sometimes alcohol and her hormones get the best of her. And why shouldn’t Liam have went along with it? Just because I had met him first didn’t mean I had any sort of claim over him. Maybe it was only bothering me because once again Cass had triumphed in the boy department. I didn’t respond because I didn’t want to seem overly interested in the subject and have to explain the possibility that after knowing each other a little longer I might be interested in being more than friends with him.

“Oh.” It was all I could think to say. 

“We only kissed…and there was some touching I guess, but it was innocent.” His voice was slower than usual. “She’s not my type." 

That last part sent a shot of hope through me, and I tried to hide it, still not saying anything.

“You see upset…” his eyes were locked on me, afraid he’d hurt my feelings.

“I’m not, really. I was just curious-“

Before I could finish my sentence he’d moved in, pushing his lips to mine and I closed my eyes surprised by what was happening. It was over too soon and he pulled his head away.

I rubbed my lips together. “What was that for?”

“I was just curious.”

 I laughed and he joined me as the ferris wheel continued to spin. I wondered in the back of my mind whether any of the others had seen that happen and I hope for some spiteful reason that Harry caught it.

When we got off the ferris wheel, Cass and Harry seemed friendlier than before as I noticed they’d tangled their fingers around the others, walking side by side. Zayn and Rory were laughing and I smiled, happy that they got along as I knew they would. Liam was keeping a safe distance from me, probably worried he’d overwhelmed me with his surprise on the ride. I felt my a little tingly thinking about it. 

“We’re going to the party tonight, Syd!” Cass threw her arm around my shoulder, pulling my closer to her. “The boys are having a party!”

‘The boys’? I wondered if she was aware we had only met these people yesterday. I reminded myself that I’d already kissed one of them and then excused myself considering I wasn’t the one to initiate it. I thought back on Liam’s innocent tone as he whispered ‘I’m just curious’.

“Yeah, you guys should totally come.  We’ve got tons of mates comin’.” Zayn smiled, tucking his hands in his jean pockets. “They’d love to meet the three of yuh." 

Harry had moved his sunglasses from their home on his shirt to his face, and they fit there perfectly. He had an edge to his look that I hadn’t seen anyone else pull off they way he could.  He walked with a slight attitude, and I understood how everything about him would work in his advantage when he was trying to reel in his next target. He turned his head back to us. “Yeah, come on over."

“Will you be there?” I looked up at Liam, saying it quiet enough that only he would hear 


I was a little relieved that Zayn and Liam were both going to be home for their party, so it would be easier to avoid Harry. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to be friends with him just as much as the other two, but I was going to wait until he quit his charade to impress me. I’ve learned from experience (and a whole lot of romantic comedies) that men are often only interested in one thing. Especially men like Harry. 

“I’m talking to you, gorgeous.”

I was snapped out of my thoughts and back into reality. I rolled my eyes at his comment. “I didn’t hear. What’d you say?”

“He said you’d better be going tonight.” Cass winked at me, and licked her lips suggestively. I scoffed in her direction and she laughed, getting the exact reaction she has expected.

“I’ll come by. “ And try as hard as I can to avoid you, gorgeous. I mocked him sarcastically in my head, but felt my cheeks flush slightly at the truth in the statement.

We came to a sweet shop, and Zayn said he was going to wait outside while the others went in. I decided to stay with him. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. He held it open toward me. “D’you smoke?”

I shook my head. “No, thanks.”

“D’you mind?”

I shook my head again, and he lit the cigarette and took a long puff blowing it out neatly into the air. I had never tried or wanted to try smoking- it was something that just didn’t appeal to me. But I had no problem with anyone else doing it. In a weird way, it sort of suited him- as if he were the star of a 50’s movie and the cigarette was a carefully placed prop between his fingers.

“So, you and Liam?” he smirked at me, holding in a laugh as he blew out another cloud of smoke.

My cheeks warmed up again and I looked at the ground. “You saw, then?”


“I don’t know why that happened.” 

“I’m no expert, but I’m pretty sure it means he fancies you.” 

I looked up, surprised. “He doesn’t know me.” 

“I think he wants to.” 

I was flattered that someone like Liam could even think things like this about me.  I wondered if part of my appeal was that I was something new, someone from a different place. If he wanted to get to know me, he was absolutely welcome to. I hope he knew that.

“You do that a lot, get lost in your thoughts and miss half a conversation.” Zayn’s eyes seemed to laugh louder than his mouth. He was nearing the end of his cigarette, and I imagine the others would be out soon. I tried to use the rest of our time alone wisely. 

“And what about Harry?” 

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