I've Lost Her

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"Nicole! Is that you? Where are you?" I frantically asked.

"M-My Grandfather and Uncle k-kidnapped me!" Nicole whispered.

"What?!" I yelled.

"Shh!" She whispered,"They'll hear you! T-They took me to some basement. I don't know where I am. Ask Rachel to help, it's her Father."

I heard her gasp and whisper,"Niall, they're c-coming."

"Wai-" I began, but the call had ended. My phone dropped from my hand and onto my bed. I couldn't breathe. I fell onto my bed, and began sobbing into the comforter.

"Ni-" I heard Liam say,"Niall! What's wrong?!"

Liam quickly rushed over to me.

"S-She's gone!" I cried.

"Who?" Liam asked.

"Nicole!" I cried,"H-Her Grandfather and Uncle k-kidnapped her!"

"You can't be serious!" Liam exclaimed. I sobbed harder,"It's t-true..."

Suddenly, my phone rang, I quickly answered it.

"W-Where are y-you?" I asked.

"I-I don't know," Nicole whispered,"They kidnapped me, and locked me in a basement, I didn't have anyway to see where I am. It took about thirty minutes to get h-here. T-That's all I know. P-Please N-Niall, save m-me. I-I don't know w-what they're g-going to do to me!'

I felt tears starting fall again,"Don't b-blame this o-on yourself, remember that. I- I love you Niall." She whispered.

"I-I love you t-too, Nicole," I replied, I I was crying harder. I whispered,"I'll find you. I-I promise."

I can imagine the tears falling down her face. Suddenly, footsteps came again.

"Niall they're coming. I have to go," She whispered. Nicole hung up the phone. Liam looked at me, concern written all over his face.

"We need to save her..." I whispered. I felt Liam wrap his arms around me in a hug. I broke down sobbing.

"It's my f-fault!" I cried,"I let h-her go a-alone!"

"I don't think Nicole would want you to think that," Liam replied.

"S-She told me..... t-to not blame m-myself," I whispered.

"See?" Liam answered.

"We need to save her," I said.

"Where is she?" Liam asked.

".... She doesn't know. She's in a basement. She couldn't see anything, but, it took thirty minutes to get there," I replied.

"How will we find her?" Liam asked.

"She said to ask Rachel," I replied.

"Come on," Liam said, he grabbed my arm, and pulled me downstairs. The boys were downstairs, and saw my tear-stained face.

"What happened?" Zayn asked.

"N-Nicole's been k-kidnapped," I cried.

"What?!" Louis exclaimed,"How's that possible?!"

"Her Grandfather and uncle kidnapped her," Liam replied,"They didn't know she had her phone, and she called Niall. She has no idea where she is, but she said to ask Rachel."

"I'll call her!" Zayn exclaimed, and quickly called Rachel.

"She's coming over right now," Zayn announced.

"I shouldn't have let her go alone..." I whispered,"I'm sorry, love....."

I could feel the other lads staring at me, but I didn't care. I lost the love of my life. And, what if I never find her again? What if I lose her forever. I promised I wouldn't leave her. I can't believe I broke the promise. I've lost her.

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