16; Growing Together

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'Torches' by X Ambassadors

"Cause if you get lost in the shadows. 

There's a fire inside you, and you know that I'll find you."

"I don't know, Stefan. Harper just destroyed everything with her mind," Damon's voice brought my hearing to its attention. "Yeah, she flooded out the storage unit," he spoke again. "I don't know, I'll tell you when one of them wakes up," Damon sighed.

What happened? I don't remember anything, really. Just grey and red colors combine into a tragic phenomenon. My body was unconscious, but my mind wasn't, I remembered the feeling. Molecules and atoms mixing together and the being ripped apart again.

Now, I'm just awake.

My eyes opened and ached as the sun shined on them. I brought a hand to my face, trying to block it out. "Ah, one of the sleeping beauties are awake," Damon's stated, sitting beside the bed.

"What happened?" I asked, sitting up.

My hand fell from my eyes and I looked at him. Damon's expression twisted with confusion. "What the hell?" He looked at me.

"What?" I asked

"Your eyes are blue" Damon stated. I furrowed my brow and shook my head, ignoring his statement.

"What happened, Damon?" I asked again.

"After Klaus was staked, a screw went loose in your head I guess. You completely destroyed that storage unit," Damon explained to me.

"What do you mean?" I asked, squinting through the sun.

"I mean that you made a crater in the ground and flooded the storage unit," Damon told me again. I shook my head and closed my eyes, standing from the bed. There's no way this is real. This has to be some sick dream.

When my feet touched the carpet, all of my senses expanded far and beyond. It was hard for me to breathe as the shock from this sudden action. I could feel for miles on end. Complete brightness, complete sight.

"Harper!" Damon's voice yelled, his hands holding my shoulders.

I locked my eyes with his.

"What's wrong?" Damon asked slowly.

"I don't know. This can't be real. Am I drugged? There's no way this is possible," I breathe with angst.

"Harper, are you feeling faint?" Damon asks.

"No, I'm okay," I tell him.

I felt all around the room and throughout the house. I could feel Elena's body lay on the bed, but her heart wasn't beating. "Oh my God. Elena's-" I start.

"In transition. She's going to be okay," Damon tells me.

"How is she okay, Damon? She wanted to have a family! Kids!" I exclaim.

"It's not okay, Harper. We'll figure this out, okay?" Damon assured me.

"I need get out of here," I start to walk and feel my feet echo through the ground. I start running, feeling dizzy as I do so. I raced past the living room and felt people inside look up at me.

"Harper!" Jeremy yelled after me.

I grab keys from the table and run out the door. I quickly find the car that the keys matched, and climbed into the vehicle. I need to find Bonnie. Bonnie's the only one who can help explain what the hell this is. There was a chance that Esther was telling the truth, but no way in hell was I believing her.

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