30. Luke Castellan: Master of Sword Theft Planning.

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Percy felt as though time was standing still, panic rising in his chest. He was very aware of the fact that the mask only aided in obscuring his face when paired with the shadows his cloak cast over his face; it was more for stylistic purposes than anything else. It worked when they were off-planet and dealing with strangers but he was standing in an arena of his peers. They'd recognise him without a doubt.

Instead, there were just confused mutters, a frown on Jason's face and Leo looking as if he was concentrating intensely on Percy's face.

"Who the fuck are you?" Nathan asked, confusion and disappointment on his face.

"That, buddy, is none of your business," Percy responded, scowling as he reached back and flipped the hood back up, noticing members of his team sigh in relief. He was trying to hide his own confusion, not knowing why there hadn't been an uproar in response to the reveal.

He walked away from Nathan, heading straight for Nico, Apollo, Leo and Jason, the former grabbing his hand and dragging him from the arena.

"You're lucky that I was here," Apollo informed him with a delighted laugh. "Otherwise you would have been screwed."

"What did you do?" Percy asked, curious.

"God, remember?" Apollo gestured to himself. "I have powers that you could only dream of, powers beyond- Ouch!"

"He manipulated the Mist," Nico responded, having elbowed Apollo in the ribs to shut him up. Percy had a feeling that Nico was the only demigod that wasn't one of Apollo's kids that would be allowed to get away with such an act, the god having resigned himself to pouting and rubbing at his ribs.

"That was freaky." Jason shuddered. "It fooled me and I knew what I was supposed to be seeing."

"Tell me you at least made me pretty?" Percy asked, unable to resist.

"Your hair looked like honey," Jason responded. "I didn't like it."

"I'll leave being blonde to you, Superman." Percy wrinkled his nose.

"Well, I liked it." Apollo huffed. "Blondes have more fun. Plus, sweetheart, you're pretty with or without a glamour."

"I think I was just sick in my mouth," Nico announced.

"Oi, Moonshine, you would have agreed with me a few years ago." Apollo huffed.

"Don't know why you're just postponing the inevitable." Leo piped up amidst Nico's spluttering. "Someone is going to figure it out eventually."

"I'd rather it be on my terms and not when Nathan decides to fight dirty and pull my hood down after losing," Percy responded over the background sound of Nico and Apollo squabbling. "And for it to be preferably in the minutes before I'm leaving Camp and don't have to answer any questions as I step into the portal to Chaos, waving at everyone."

"Fat chance that you're leaving us behind." Leo huffed. "You're stuck with Nico, he's not letting you go anywhere without him."

"Absolutely not." Percy and Nico answered in tandem before turning to glare at the other.

"You're not coming with me when I leave," Percy warned, not for the first time. "We've discussed this."

"Well, I guess you're not leaving then." Nico folded his arms. "Because you're not going without me. We've discussed this."

"Hilarious." Percy's response was dry, he didn't want to laugh at Nico throwing his words back at him.

"What does Chiron want to speak to him about anyway?" Jason asked as a swift distraction.

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