Chapter Eight: FTP

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*Lola's POV*

Marcy had been hiding away all week at Logan's, not being able to cope with the death of Paul. The guys took care of making it look like Paul got robbed and then shot so that the cops wouldn't suspect anything. Logan had said that we needed to lay low though, so life went pretty much back to normal. Me and Vixen had talked to Kitty and made sure that Marcy kept her job, "She's having a hard time because she lost her boyfriend" who wouldn't accept that?

Trinity, Vixen, and I were finishing our shift when I got a call from James. "Hey baby. I'm out front. Are the other girls coming too?"

"Yeah. We'll be out there soon, just gotta change! Muah!" I kissed into the phone, hanging it up and tearing my clothes off. "Come on bitches! I'm ready to get the hell outta here!"

They finished and we rushed out the doors, our arms were around eachother walking side by side. James whistled at us from his car, Keegan was in the passenger seat. I looked at Vixen and winked, sticking my tongue out, making her giggle. When we got to the car Keegan climbed in the back seat and I got up front, next to James.

Arriving at Logan's Trinity and I ran up the stairs to find Marcy. "MARCYYYYY. Get your sexy ass out here!" Trinity called.

A bedroom door opened and we saw a sleepy looking Marcy through the crack. Her hair was pulled up in a messy bun, bags under her eyes. I ran up and hugged her, rubbing her head.

"I missed you hun!" I chirped.

"I missed you guys too! Get ya asses in here." She pulled me into the bedroom, Trinity following close behind.

"How have you been?" Trinity asked.

"Alright. I'll be okay, Getting better." Marcy responded, she was shuffling through a drawer in the dresser. "Here we go!" she jumped onto the bed, holding a baggie containing coke, a razor and a rolled up dollar bill.

She looked like a pro, cutting each of us a line. I could see the excitement in her eyes as she leaded over and inhaled the bitter sweet drug.

"You really like this stuff, huh?" I had to ask, she was so comfortable with it and her first time was just a week ago.

She sniffed a couple of times then responded, "Yeah, it just helps ease. . well, more like erase the pain." She shrugged, leaned down and took the other two lines. She cut more lines and Trinity and I took ours. I felt the rush of blood through my body, I needed to do something, anything!

"Let's get outta here, do something!" I hollered, jumping up from the bed. "Grab your shit and meet me at the door!" I rushed out of the room, whirling down the stairs, as I made the turn from the stairs I saw Vixen sitting on Keegan's lap; They were watching some movie on TV.

"Let's go!" I playfully yanked her arm and got her up. Her face was surprised and eager. "I'll bring her back safe and sound. Don't worry doll." I told Keegan.

Then turning my attention back to the task at hand; "Alright babe, go grab a bottle of I don't care what and let's hit the road!" I directed Vixen and she ran off to the kitchen.

James was sitting in a chair by the couch, I walked over, trying to be sexy, "Hey hot stuff, lemme borrow the car. I'll bring it back". I licked his neck starting from his collar and stopping at his ear, "I'll pay you in return when I get back" I whispered as I bit his ear lobe. He handed me the keys, I thanked him and out the front door we went.

We jumped in James' car, my being driver. He drives a convertible Mercedes so the first thing I did was put the top down.

"Where we going?" Marcy asked as she slammed her door shut.

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