Reject me? I'll reject you

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Emmaline Jones embarks on a journey to find a new home after she couldn't handle the pain her pack members caused any longer. Two years later, she comes back to seek revenge upon them. When she gets back, she acts like them to mock them and wonders if she should forgive Ethan, her mate who rejected her two years ago. Along the way, Emmaline meets many friends and enjoy their company. In this werewolf story, will Emmaline really reject her mate like the title of this story suggests or will there be some kind of plot twist? Follow Emmaline's journey that will make you either love her, hate her or both!

Annie's Thoughts:

Everything isn't as it seems in this one, I'll give you that warning. Unfortunately, she doesn't really get her happily ever after in this story because of her older sister. Well, there is a sequel but it isn't finished and she hasn't done anything on it since last July so she might be on hiatus. Anyway, Happy Mother's Day to all of our wonderful mothers out there. I hope you enjoyed it.

Chapters: 29

Author's Name: AlyshaDosdos

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