Chapter 2

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I quickly reached out, and caught her before she hit the ground. Her head flopped to the side as I pulled her to me. The sparks erupted as I touched her; the emptiness that I once felt was no longer there. I was fueled with a new purpose I had been missing.

Suddenly, things about myself that didn't make sense connected. My characteristics, attributes and downfalls were created to balance hers. It was like the universe waited until this exact moment to make it all clear.

I saw feet walking towards me, and my senses were sent into alert mode.  I have never been swept by this overwhelming need to protect before.

My body tensed as I watched a pair of feet slowly shuffle towards me out of the corner of my eye, but I never looked away from my mate. Her long, brown hair curled around my arm, and I watched it, jealous of the way it grazed her face, wishing it could have been my hand instead. But I didn't touch her for fear of hurting her.

However, the movement of the feet caught my eye again. The person was still a good distance away, but they were close enough to agitate me. Close enough to stir a quiet, low growl from my throat. The owner of the feet cleared their throat.

"Landon." Someone said trying to grab by attention. My eyes shot up quickly scanning the area for threats before settling on the voice. My eyes narrowed at EJ.

"She's mine." I said, but the voice shocked me. It wasn't a warning. It was a statement. The voice was so dark and guttural I almost didn't recognize it as my own. I watched as the warriors around flinched at the sound and lowered their heads, but EJ didn't. He let a small smile light his face.

"I know, and I know you must be feeling very defensive right now, but she needs a doctor." He told me. I knew he was right, but there was this weight that settled in me when I thought of letting her go, and this panic when I thought of leaving her.

"It's would be best for her if-" he tried to continue.

"I know what's best for her." I snapped in reply.

"Then you should know that we need a doctor brought here, now." was my annoyingly witty sisters remark.

"What did she do?" EJ said. What did she do? How did she do it?

And the answer seemed rare, but it was obvious.

"She's a healer. She healed me." I whispered so low EJ and Chloe couldn't even hear me.

I stood up taking my mate with me. I feel chills run down my spine as her head rolls into the crook of my neck. Chills? What's next, butterflies?

"Give her to me. You go get the doctor." My sister command. I sighed but handed her over to Chloe anxiously. She weighed almost nothing, and somehow my arms felt heavier without her.

"I'll be right back, okay." I told Lily feeling stupid because I know she can't hear me, but also feeling as if I owed her an explanation for leaving her.

With one last look, I left.

'James meet me at the border of our territory.' I mind linked as I slowly picked up speed.

'Yes Alpha.'

'James, bring the truck.'

'Yes Alpha.'

Once at the border, I found James was there waiting for me. The large brown van parked to the side. It was perfect for what every battle the pack was going to fight, and the color and shape blinded in well with the wood. My pack may not be as advanced in technology as the others, but we have everything necessary to protect and keep my members alive. The van was complete with a gurney and any emergency supplies one might find in an ambulance. I wasted no more time and hopped into the van.

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