Mettaton x depressed!reader

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You always hated yourself. You couldn't stand looking in a mirror, and always said negative jokes about yourself.

Mettaton always loved you, How your (h/l) (h/c) hair always shined. How your (e/c) always shined. But now your eyes were dull. And he wanted to cheer you up. So he asked you to be on his show.

You agreed. And the show began. "Hello beauties! Welcome to MTT TV! I am with the beautiful (y/n)!" He said. As you started to blush you said "I'm not beautiful, Mettaton..." You said to him. "So today we are taking calls! So start calling!" He said as he ignored you. He took a call. "Hello!" He answered. "Why do you have that THING on your show?" Asked a girl, she sounded like a diva. "Darling, If your talking about (y/n)? Because she is NOT a thing! She is s beautiful and sweet (species type)! If you can't deal with that then you are a bad person!" Mettaton said while full of rage. Why was he so nice to you?  Why does he call you beautiful? "Mettaton, I'm not beautiful. And you know that. I am a thing. No doubt" you said to him as you looked down. Mettaton took you hand as the person ended the call. "Darling don't say that. Your beautiful! But sadly your not happy anymore... I always loved how your hair shines, how your smile always made my days better, how your eyes sparkled with light, and how you were confident and happy before. I love you, darling... I just want to see you happy again..." He said as you
Looked at him
In surprise. You can't believe it! Your crush just said he liked you! You hugged him in joy! "I love you too!" You said, your eyes sparkled like they used to. You two leaned in, then your lips connected.

"Ooooh!" The cameraman said laughing. "Shut up!" The person with the mic responded.

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