Trapped - Part Two

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“Love in an elevator, livin it up when I’m going down.”

Your eyes snapped up from the case file you were reading. You glared at the singer, watching Penelope strut across the room to her office with a smile on her lips. As she passed the desks where you and Reid sat she turned, grinning at you both. 

“Stupid, stupid cameras,” you muttered to yourself. You reached for your coffee mug finding it empty and stood up. “Spencer do you want a drink?”

You hadn’t really spoken to him since the ‘Elevator Incident’ as the team had been given a few days off. When he’d come into work this morning, he’d barely said two words to anybody, choosing to sit in silence at his desk immersing himself in a cross word puzzle whilst he drank his morning coffee. He didn’t answer. 

“SPENCER,” louder this time. The genius jumped in his seat staring at you like a deer caught in the headlights.

“Huh….Sorry.. …what?“ 

You motioned towards his coffee cup. “Do you want another drink?”

He shook his head mumbling, “No thanks” and went back to his puzzle. 

’Weird’ you thought seeing he’d only completed one answer in the ten minutes he’d been sat there. 

You decided to take your coffee in Penelope’s room and as you opened her door you saw her hurriedly clicking to close down a window on her computer. Your eyes were too quick though and you recognised the imagine of you and Spencer making out in the lift. 

“Pen! Why the hell are you watching that? You promised you’d delete it.” You’d been texting her all over the weekend making her promise to rid the archives of that footage so no one would ever see. 

“I can’t, I just can’t. It’s like watching Harry Potter when Ron and Hermione finally kiss. Or Chuck and Blair, or Seth and Summer. Or those few episodes in Buffy where Xander and Willow were sneaking around behind everyone’s back and making out.” She was starting to get a dreamy look in her eyes. 

“PENELOPE!” You grabbed the mouse trying to find the delete file option but accidentally pressing play instead. 




When you got over the fact that it was you and Spencer on the screen, it did look incredibly….. Hot. You felt a warm flush spreading across your cheeks as you saw on screen you press your lips to Reid’s and saw his looked stunned before closing his eyes and devouring your mouth hungrily. 

“See!” Garcia was almost squealing. “You two are my new OTP.”

You pulled up a chair next to her, pressing the replay button before you realised what you were doing.

“Oh you don’t need to hit replay sweetness. I’ve got it on a loop. I could watch this for hours on end.”

You stared at her.


“I worry about you sometimes, Pen.” You shook your head at her. “What if someone else walks in. Like Hotch…. Or Derek.” Oh you could already imagine the teasing if Derek Morgan saw this. 

She giggled back, “They won’t. Now tell me what it was like.” She scooted her chair closer to yours so that her knees were touching yours. 

You shook your head. “This isn’t a schoolgirl sleepover Garcia. This is our colleague.”

“Oh but imagine the fun if it were a school girl sleepover. We could prank call him and then I could get my friend to find out if he liked you back. We could even send him a letter. Tick A if you like Y/N back or Tick B if you’re blind, stupid and clearly in denial." 

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