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420 gansey it!!1!1!!: dick

HESUS: Lynch

420 gansey it!!1!1!!: what. the fuck is HESUS.


420 gansey it!!1!1!!: ,,

420 gansey it!!1!1!!: care to,, elaborate,,

HESUS: Was a typo,,

420 gansey it!!1!1!!: wow

420 gansey it!!1!1!!: whos typo

HESUS: *Whose

420 gansey it!!1!1!!: you shut the fUck,

HESUS: It was my new friend Jane's typo

420 gansey it!!1!1!!: yo wait hold the fuck

420 gansey it!!1!1!!: who. who is this jane.

420 gansey it!!1!1!!: uHm how dAre u make a friend and not introduce me uM excuse u,,

HESUS: Omg I'm sorry ok you can meet her now

HESUS: I'm gonna make a groupchat,

420 gansey ig!!1!1!!: yeah

420 gansey it!!1!1!!: yeah you fucking are

HESUS: dhfidifowldlela

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