Chapter Five - Hopeless Romantics

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* Kaycee's POV *

The guys just walked through the door and they look extremely nervous its worrying me a bit.

"Hey Kaycee" i look up and see Clayton standing infront of me. Whenever he says my name i get butterflies like you wouldn't believe. Timmy and him sit down & we all order our food. The entire breakfast is full of smiles and laughs, it's so easy to talk to them i could do it for hours! We finish and pay then decide to drive down to this big park down the street. As the four of us are walking i hear Timmy pipe up "hey uhm Kaylin wanna go on a walk with me?" She looks at me to see if i cared, which i obviously didnt. They went off down a different path, which left Clayton & I together. We found this little secluded area about 5 minutes from where we seperated from Kaylin & Timmy and sat down on the bench that was there.

We were making small talk, which truthfully i wasn't really paying attention too. Then all of a sudden i hear cords to a song i instantly reconized- Cute by Stephen Jerzak and i turn towards Clayton. As soon as our eyes meet he starts singing the lyrics, not once breaking eye contact and i can't stop smiling. As soon as the song is over i see him look down trying to hide the fact that he's blushing lightly. He moves closer to me and looks at me with those beautiful eyes; " Kaycee i've liked you since the first time i met you, your always on my mind, your all i think about. And i want you to be mine.. What im trying to say is, Kaycee will you be my girlfriend?" I beam with delight and i can't believe what i just heard. I can't figure out what to say, so i just smile like a idiot and nod and hug him tightly. I couldn't ask for anybody better.

* Kaylin's POV *

The guys are acting so weird i don't know why, and i'm not sure if i want too. We get to this little area that has a concrete platform, i run and jump up onto it jokingly dancing. Timmy jumps up with me and takes our his phone. Seconds later, i hear Sunday Morning by Maroon 5 play loudly. "May i have this dance beautiful?" is the last thing i remember hearing before i hear the seven words i've been longing to hear... "Kaylin, will you go out with me?" "Absolutely Timothy" he crinkles his nose at me when i call him that. He picks me up and swings me around kissing me gently at the same time. I can't remember the last time i was this happy.

I go to text Kaycee to come meet us cause we're walking back towards the van to leave, but i already have a text from her. "Look what happened!" And with it is a picture of her & Clayton kissing, "he just asked me out!" I send her the same text, but obviously a picture of me & Timmy.

We all meet at the van, each one of us happier than when we left the van hours ago. Well i guess it's time to go tell everybody else that we're goes nothing!

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