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Author's Note: Hey all, I'm so sorry it's taking me so long to get chapters out my first exam is next week and I'm in the middle of freaking out about that, I also had to get my friend to read over this for me. 

Just a warning this chapter contains some Sexual Content so skip over that little bit if you're not comfortable with it. I did warn you in the foreword but here's another one ;)

"Of course you decided to watch this," Finn moans as he stretches himself out on the sofa.

Charlie raises an eyebrow unimpressed. Because not only is Finn criticising his film choice, he's also allowed himself to take up the majority of the sofa so that Charlie has nowhere to sit. Finn pats the tiny space of the sofa next to him and Charlie almost refuses to sit there, but he's trying to be braver and is trying to care a little less and so he sits. Perches so that he's far away as physically possible, so that there's no way his skin can possibly touch Finn's, but he sits, and that's the important thing.

"What's wrong with what I picked?"

"It's kinda lame," Finn says, "I mean I was hoping for something funny, like Ted, or scary. Why did you have to go and pick Up?"

"I love this movie," Charlie whines, "why the heck would you want to watch anything scary anyway?"

"Because then I could pretend I was scared and snuggle closer to you."

Charlie's cheeks barely even blush when Finn says that, he's slowly becoming accustomed to Finn's little comments and suggestions. Is slowly starting to be able to control his reactions. That's not to say that he's entirely comfortable with them, or than he has any idea how to react to them, but he's adjusting slowly, so that he can do more than stammer in response. Instead now he settles for rolling his eyes and an occasional sarcastic retort.

"It's a good job we're watching Up then, cause I don't wanna deal with you being scared."

"I wouldn't actually be scared," Finn tells Charlie, his tone strangely indignant, "I'd just be pretending to be scared so you'd hold me."

"So you'd be lying to me?"

"In a romantic manner yes."

"Do you ever think about how stupid you sound?"

"I try not."

A smile takes over Charlie's lips, and he leans in ever so slightly closer to Finn, barely an inch between their faces.

"I love this movie," Charlie says once again, "so please can we watch it without you complaining."

"I suppose I can try not to hate it too much."

"Good," Charlie chews on his lip, bites back the smile, "maybe we can watch a scary movie next time."

"And can we snuggle?"


It's not a lot but Finn latches onto that word as if it's the final lifeboat left in a stormy sea.

Neither one of them are entirely sure what they're doing, what they're supposed to define themselves as. Because they are just friends, but they are also something more. They're boys who have movie nights and talk about snuggling, who lean in for kisses when they just can't deny themselves the pleasure any longer. They dream of sitting on rooftops and staring at the stars at midnight and allow their hands to brush just so they can feel the electricity of the touch burn through them.

But they're nothing really. Just friends.

Maybe they'll never be anything more than just best friends. IT seems impossible to believe that though, not when they have evenings like this, evenings when it just seems like it's the two of them and nothing else matters. When Charlie can forget about his Dad and wrap himself up in Finn instead.

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