Grammar Nazis

1.8K 81 102

Or non-automated spell checkers. We all know they exist, and sometimes we need their help.

First, I'll explain the role of a Grammar Nazi. They will point out your mistakes in spelling/grammar and tell you to fix them... that's about it. They are probably best to hire before you get a reviewer.


LadySnips- prefers Fantasy, General Fiction, Sci-Fi, and FanFiction. no Horror or Romance

DreamyDoodles- prefers Harry Potter FanFiction and Fantasy

A_Definite_Zero- prefers Pokemon FanFiction and Fantasy

Josh_Laurens- no Horror

theAKW- all

ilsosksdnd- all

5PanicsOfAllTimeBMTH- no FanFiction (unless it's 5SOS or One OK Rock)

Winter0Night-prefers no Romance

TheBestWerido- no FanFiction

SmileCheerfully- anything but Chicklit and Romance

TrippieTripps- all

ReggieTheGrammarNazi- all

LokiandLuna- prefers medium to few mistakes

MusicgirlXD- prefers Fantasy genre

Camelot101- prefers Fantasy genre

Kamisky- prefers Mystery and Horror genre and Anime/cartoon Fanfiction

lilshadowwolf- everything except Fanfiction and Nonfiction

Mariek18800- prefers Horror, Fantasy, and Sci fi, no Romance or Fanfiction

brickisboss- all, but prefers Fanfiction

Stormwolfwriters- all except Non Fiction

MHDHSF- all but will not read anything that they don't ship

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