Chap 10 "Apologize"

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Hector's POV
Around 2am, Alexis walked in through the front door carrying Henry, "Alexis," I sighed.
"Don't talk to me," Alexis nodded and made her way to the stairs. "You can sleep on the couch tonight."
"Alexis," I called after her, but I still heard the bedroom door slam. "Damn it." Jeremy walked down the stairs as he took a glance up the stairs. He pointed up the stairs. "Don't ask."
"Yeah, I'm asking," Jeremy nodded. "What's wrong?"
"I arrested one of her friends this morning with two kids in the room," I sighed as I made myself comfortable on the couch. "I think that was a mistake but I had to respond." Alexis walked down the stairs. "Alexis."
"Hector, because you made the arrest, thirteen serial killers, total, have escaped prison," Alexis looked at me. "JJ told me to keep Henry until we can get the rest of the killers behind bars." She looked at Jeremy. "Do you think you and Heaven can watch Henry? I have to go back to work."
"Work?" I asked. "What work? I don't recall you having a job other than being an actress."
"I applied for the FBI," Alexis looked at me. "I know how the entertainment business is. It's frustrating. I'd rather have a career in this rather than have a career being an actress."
"You know I can provide for you," I looked at her.
"You might be able to provide for me but this family is about to have an additional family member," Alexis looked at me. "I have to provide for the child and so do you. Children are expensive." I looked at her. "I have to go. Watch Henry for me. please, Jeremy."
"Yeah," Jeremy replied as Alexis left. "I think I can do that."
"Is she pregnant?" I asked. Jeremy shrugged. I had eventually found out Alexis was pregnant when she was five months into pregnancy. She stayed away from me and left the house before I had a chance to say anything. "Is she really that mad at me? It's been five months."
"Maybe so but thirteen serial killers escaped," Jeremy replied. "You really think she has time to do anything?"
"I thought they wouldve already caught them all," I looked at Jeremy as I sat down on the couch.
"They haven't caught one killer," Jeremy sighed. "That's why the bureau has you on suspension because you let thirteen serial killers get away."
"Don't remind me," I sighed. "I don't know what to do. I don't know where to go." I looked at Jeremy. "I think my wife hates me."
"She doesn't hate you," Heaven sighed as she walked in from the kitchen. "She's just disappointed in you."
"For arresting Hotch?" I asked.
"And in doing so, you caused a VA Max breakout and three others in three different states," Heaven replied. "Now she has to work with the team to get thirteen serial killers back into their cages and they haven't even caught one."
"And that's my fault because?" I asked.
"You separated the alpha from the pack," Heaven sighed. "Hotch means the world to her and you don't even see it. He's like her second dad, if you ask me." Alexis walked in. She walked to the closet and grabbed her Louis Vuitton backpack. "Hey, headed on a plane?"
"No, the Winchesters need me," Alexis sighed. "I have to answer the call."
"Why?" Jeremy asked.
"Because I can't sit at the BAU and read case files all day," Alexis nodded. "I need something new to do and it surely beats hanging out around here." Heaven looked at her. "And because I'm seeing the Winchesters, I won't be home for a few days."
"So basically nothing changes," I sighed.
"Exactly," Alexis stated and left.
"She hates me," I sighed.
"You have to find a way to make it up to her," Jeremy replied. "Take her out to dinner."
"How am I supposed to do that when she won't even come near me?" I asked.
"Show her that you care," Jeremy nodded. "Take her team something. I don't know but you better find out before that baby girl of yours is born."
"We're having a baby girl?" I asked.
"Oh yeah," Heaven remembered. "She didn't let you go to the ultrasound."
"I picked a hell of a time for her to be pissed off at me," I sighed. "I didn't even know she was pregnant to begin with."
"You gotta review the possibilities," Jeremy looked at me. "You're here alone with her in a huge house and very isolated with the sound proof walls." I sighed. "And to complete a marriage you guys had to consummate."
"Okay, that's enough," I stopped him. "Can you guys help me out?" Jeremy and Heaven looked at each other and then back at me. "Alright, let's get this going then."

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