Twists and falls

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The carnival was abuzz with people of different villages.People of Viravati were finally happy.The yearly carnival was being hosted after a break of two years and this time they actually had something to be thankful for.Their lives were finally going back to normal,they felt hopeful once again.Women giggled and chatted about their new sarees as men happily talked about the good harvest year and their hopes for the following ones.The carnival was filled with various stores and rides.The chudi (bangle) store was filled with women and girls of different ages and the kids were thoroughly enjoying the various rides, poni and the merri-go-round were a few favourites.Various food stalls were set up,filled with people of different ages and gender.The pani puri store was the most crowded,the sweets store were also filled to the curb.

"This store is so crowded, I think we should come back later." Seetha complained licking up her kulfi.She had come to the carnival with Savithri

"No,we should wait,I really need to taste that one" Payal said pointing to a rasgula.

"Havee you really never had a rasgula before?"

"I keep telling you no..."

"Oh god,it just tastes like milk with sugar syrup in it,nothing special" she remarked

"You are such a pester,okay go sit over there,I'll call you when I'm done"

Seetah walked over to the wooden benches in front of the sweet store.It felt odd coming to the carnival without Ranjan.They had always come together,since they were kids.This time though,he bailed out on her saying he had to do something important.

"Hey!" Seetha jumped up when her kulfi was snatched from her.

She turned around to see Richard savouring her desert.

"God,what is wrong with you?Aren't you supposed to be sweet and loving?"She wined

"really?" He chuckled sitting on the bench.

"You are so annoying" She giggled.

"So what is Gretel doing here all by herself without Hansell?"Richard teased

"Very touching,he had something to take care of"

"The carnival is really huge."

"Yes it is,it's so good to see everyone happy after such a long time" She smiled.

"Thanks a lot for that" she said in a soft voice

"I think you thanked me already,many times" He quipped.She giggled,hitting him on the side.

Silence engulfed them as they sat there observing the crowd.

"Seetha remember when I asked you why you weren't married?But you never told me"

Richard's question came out of the blue and it startled her.She remained quiet not knowing how to respond.Can she really trust him with her secret?Afterall isn't he still an officer?

"You told me never to hide anything from you,but you can?" Richard asked,anger lingering in his voice.

"I don't know if I can...I'm not sure..."

"You can trust me,I just want to know..."

"I want to move to Calcutta and join the revolution" Seetah said in one go,praying she had done the right thing by telling him this.

"What?" Richard whisper-yelled

"you know how dangerous that can be,the situation in Calcutta is really explosive,I've been there and..."

"I don't care Richard,that is what I want and after seeing how you reacted to it,I regret ever having told you this" She said moving away.

"Wait" he held onto her hand.

"I'm sorry I think your revelation caught me offguard"

Seetha relaxed.

"So is that what you have always wanted?"

"Not really,but I moved here and everyone was talking about the revolution,every single person,people were idolizing the revolutionary leaders and it caught onto me as well I guess"

"Does Ranjan know about this?"

"Yes,infact he was the one who first told me about it,he showed me this newsletter,and on this small column was this quote,it was about freedom and how everyone's freedom belonged to themselves and no one else,it inspired me,it changed my life"

"So does Ranjan want to move to Calcutta too?"

"No ,he wants to stay here in this village,the only memory he has of his parents are here"her voice sounded sad.

"What happened to them?"

"They died when he was a kid"


They both remained quiet neither ready to respond.Seeth felt more nervous with every passing minute.

"So does this change things between us?" She finally mustered up the courage to ask.

Richard looked down not responding.


"I need to leave" He said in a hurry and got up to leave.

"Please stay safe" He hugged her before disappearing into the crowd.

Seetha stood alone,utterly confused and pained.Was that a goodbye forever?She wondered,feeling heartbroken.

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