The Elephant In The Room

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“Why did you do it Reid?” you were annoyed and angry at him, and you could feel your voice getting louder and louder.

“Because if I didn’t put myself between him and the team, someone might have taken the shot,” he was agitated too.

“And what if he’d taken the shot at you? You went in unarmed, in an unsecured area, giving us no warning at all. He could have opened fire at you. You could have died.” Definitely louder now, the rest of the team’s ears pricking up, them glancing over at you both.

Morgan got up out of his chair walking over to try to placate you, “Hey hey, Y/N. Hotch has already reprimanded him. Lay off him alright kitten.” He reached out to touch your arm in what he assumed was a soothing gesture. You narrowed your eyes at him, shrugging him off.

“Was I talking to you Derek? No. I was talking to Spencer. Trying to make him realise how STUPID and INCONSIDERATE he was, just handing me his gun and walking to his potential DEATH. He could have killed you Spencer!!“

“He wouldn’t have,” Spencer’s voice was meek, he knew he was in the wrong. Just like you knew you really shouldn’t be yelling at him. Derek was right, Hotch had already had words about his behaviour but you were still furious with your friend and colleague.

“You don’t know that Reid. I get that you identified with him and everything but you didn’t know! We would have had to watch helplessly if anything had happened. I would have had to watch. I don’t know what I’d have done if you’d have got hurt, and it would have been my fault that I didn’t stop you!”

“It wouldn’t have been your fault. Why do you care so much about what happens to me anyway. I didn’t see you yelling at Morgan the other week when he entered that unsubs house without back up.”


The room fell silent, chairs swivelling around to face you. You realised what you’d just yelled, your hand clasping over your mouth.

Spencer’s eyes had gone wide and he squeaked out, "You’re in love with me?“

Derek’s face flicked to yours expectantly, his eyes brows raised in amusement. You could feel everyone else’s eyes on you too, your face burning red with embarrassment.

"Erm…….. ” You bottled it. Turning on your heel, you ran out of the office dashing between the elevator doors which were just amount to close.


You’d ran out of the BAU so fast you’d left your bag. With your phone, house keys, purse and car keys in it. Basically everything you needed to escape this new fresh hell you’d opened yourself up to.

Knowing the office would soon clear out, you wandered around town for the next hour and half thinking about the bomb you’d just dropped.

You did love Spencer. You had done for a while now, but you certainly were never intending on telling him.

He was so intelligent and kind and funny. And the most beautiful man you’d ever seen.

But when you’d joined the team ten months ago, you’d developed a friendship with him one that you’d didn’t want to ruin. So you kept your feelings for him quiet, swatting the butterflies you felt whenever he smiled at you away.

And now you were screwed.

It was starting to get cold outside so you headed back to HQ, hoping that everyone would have left. Luckily it was a Friday evening and having just returned from a case, Hotch had given you all the next two days off providing nothing urgent came up in the meantime.

You entered the bull pen scanning quickly around. Empty. YES! You quickly made your way to your desk, leaning down under the table and pulling your bag out the the little storage compartment you had.

“Hi,” The voice came out of nowhere.

You shot up cracking your head on the edge of the table as you did.

Spencer had been sat at one of the tables in the corner, out of sight of the main door.

“Erm, Hey.” You rubbed your head, glancing over at the door wondering if you could still make a run for it.


You bit your lip, not meeting his eyes.

“You said you weren’t worried about Morgan because you weren’t in love with him. Does that mean….does that mean you’re in love with me?” You were suprised by how bold he was being, although his voice was tinged with nerves.

Screw it, the whole room had already heard. In for a penny, might as well go in for the pound.

You nodded.

“Really?” A tone of disbelief to his voice, his eyes watching your face carefully.

You nodded again, shuffling awkwardly from one foot to another.


That was it, your life was over. You’d have to move, get a new job and make new….

“Because I’m in love with you too.”

Pardon? Excuse me?

“Do you wanna, erm go for a coffee?” He sounded just a nervous as you felt inside, worrying his own lip with his teeth.

You coughed clearing your throat. “Erm… Yes. SureThanksNow?” the words came out as one the way you did when you were anxious.

A shy smile crept onto his lips as he gave a small nod of his head before offering his hand out to you.

You stared at it for a moment, before realising you were meant to take it. You did, slipping your hand into his soft, warm one feeling it wrap around yours.

You gave him an equally shy smile back, before walking out of the office together.

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